Exchange 2010 Loadgen Is No Longer Beta

Exchange 2010 Loadgen Is No Longer Beta

Putting together links for my recent blog on Exchange 2010 Scale-Out Performance I discovered that Exchange 2010 Load Generator (aka LoadGen or LoadGen2010) is no longer a beta tool. The site says that this current version was released yesterday - June 15th - and it is no longer referred to as beta.

I hope that some of the problems that I ran into with the beta version are fixed, but I won't be able to try it out for a few days. I've got to finish the current round of tests that I'm doing with the Beta version of LoadGen before switching over.

There is a note on the web site that states the following: "There are now three OWA modules: OWA2007Module (Exchange 2007), OWA2010Module (Exchange 2010 RTM) and OWAModule (Exchange 2010 SP1 or latest). Please use the correct version for your environment."

I would guess from this that they were waiting to release this final version of LoadGen with the module to support the soon to be released Exchange 2010 SP1. This would explain the long delay between the beta and final releases.


I am working with Microsoft Loadgen in ESX 3.5. I have some questions. Could you please help me with this.

My requirement is , I have to simulate 2000 users sending 1MB size e-mail continuously for 30 minutes.

  1. I think I should make simulation day as "30 minutes". Right?
  2. Tes duration – 30 minutes
  3. What should be the value of "sendMailActionCount" in LoadgenConfig.xml? How to calculate it so that users don't stop sending load
Version history
Revision #:
1 of 1
Last update:
‎06-16-2010 02:17 PM
Updated by: