Unable to acquire login ticket for vCenter Inventory Service

Unable to acquire login ticket for vCenter Inventory Service

Anyone here who have encountered the same error below?

We encounter this error when logging into the vSphere Web Client. The weird part here is that even if the user account we use is already added on administrator group of vCenter using the vSphere Client we encounter the same issue.

User accounts that are member of the Domain Admins, Administrator, and Local Administrator of the OS hosting the vCenter Server service works ok.

We have vSpher Web Client Error - 06202012.jpgtried looking for the same issue and resolution on KB and even here in the Community but to no luck.

We will gladly appreciate any help you could provide here in the community.



I've experienced basically the same issue, your post just pointed me to the solution, adding user to the local admin group fixed it.   Was getting a "User not authenticated to the VMWare Inventory Service" message.  Thought it was just a botched upgrade (I did have glitch during the SSO install, but it apparently wasn't the issue), but seems like it is just the new authorization in 5.1.  Guess I should probably read the install/upgrade docs.  Anyway, thanks, you helped me get my issue "fixed".

Version history
Revision #:
1 of 1
Last update:
‎06-21-2012 02:27 AM
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