VMware Networking Community

Distributed Switch teaming across hosts

Hi, I'm not sure if anyone can help at all, im not overly strong in the networking side of vSphere but my question is, with regards to distributed switches, is there a way to create a nic team from seperate hosts in a cluster?


1 X port ESXi1

1 X port ESXi2

1 X port ESXi3

the reason i ask is we currently route some VLAN's down a singular cable per host (due to nic limitations on physical tin) therefore we have a singular point of failure should a nic fail on that host.


What i would like to do is team nics across the cluster to allow a vm to access any accessible port that is available from within the team.


If this isn't possible is there a policy somwhere that will detect link failure and automatically migrate the VM to another host in the cluster?


Thanks in advance.

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2 Replies

Hello @CLINZ hope all is well.

Answering your question:
is there a way to create a nic team from seperate hosts in a cluster?
From VMware side, no, there is not.
Maybe you can create a LAG on the switch side using three ports as 1, but still wouldn't suffice what you have in mind.

If this isn't possible is there a policy somwhere that will detect link failure and automatically migrate the VM to another host in the cluster?

Again, not possible. 

Now, thinking fast:
We know the permanent solution is to propagate the VLANs to all the nics in the swithc.
That would be the best approach.
If that's not possible, what you could do, which is not very nice, is to create a new vDS with a single host nic (the one that has the vlan tagged) and in case it goes down it can trigger an alert for the VMs to be migrated. 


Thank you for the reply. Insight has been really helpful.

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