VMware Cloud Community

Issue in consistency Group for Protection Group creation


I am facing an issue in the consistency Group for the SRM.

I already had a Protection Group PG1 created with storage consistency group CG1 .

I wanted to create another Protection Group PG2 for this I created another Storage Consistency Group CG2 with four datastores, but when I tried creating a Protection Group it shows up in CG1 and not in CG2.

I checked the HORCM files and they show as CG1 and CG2 and the replication is also correct.

When I issue the Pairdisplay command they show as two different pairs.

In Array Manger the Local Consistency Group is also showing as CG1 and CG2.

But in the protection group creation page they aer grouped as one.

I deleted PG1 and tried and now all the datastores are grouped as one and I am not able to create sperates PGs.

Can anyone point out where anything is going wrong



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1 Reply


If two consistency groups are combined together into one datastore group, then it means that you have VM(s) spanning LUNs in both consistency groups (either VMDK files or ISO mapped)

Check your VMs for such things. SRM groups all LUNs required to successfully recover VMs into datastore group.


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