VMware Cloud Community

Post power on step - Execute command on recovered Windows vm fails


For a Windows Server 2012 recovery plan, I was attempting to run a command on a recovered vm in the post power on step however even though it succeeds in VMware, nothing is run inside the virtual machine.

Scripts on Windows Server to recover:

- C:\srm\srm.bat (it basically echo's some text out to a log file)

- C:\srm\srm.cmd (it basically echo's some text out to a log file)

Post Power On Step I call the following scripts on the recovered vm:

1. C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /c c:\srm\srm.bat

2. C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /c c:\srm\srm.cmd

When I perform a test recovery no text is echo'd into the log files. It's like neither script is executed, ... is there any gotcha's or prerequisites with calling scripts on Windows via SRM?

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1 Reply

Never mind, ... the log file was getting written to a different directory than what I was expecting.

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