VMware Cloud Community

vSphere Replication - VM with Snapshot


I've been reading the documentation on SRM 5 with vSphere Replication and there is a statement that I am not clear on.


Top of page 60:

"vSphere Replication supports the protection of virtual machines with snapshots, but you can only recover the
latest snapshot."
The way I read this is:
If a virtual machine has mutiple snapshots, only the latest snapshot can be recovered.  Does this mean other snapshots are combined into original VMDK at the DR site?
Does the configuration of the virtual machine at the DR site show only 1 snapshot?  If so, is it possible to revert?
Additional question from snapshots usung VR:
If a snapshot has been forgotten on a VR protected machine (2GB snapshot for the sake of the argument) and an administrator goes and deletes the snapshot, is the new delta to be replicated 2GB?  I am not sure how VMware handles the re-writes of the blocks on the original VMDK.
Thanks in advance for the help!
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