Unable to upload the solution ISO through the browser

Unable to upload the solution ISO through the browser


Attempts to upload the Tanzu Mission Control Self-Managed ISO file fail for any reason.


The TMC-SM solution is bundled into a single ISO file. The size of this file may present challenges to upload via the browser in some environments. Alternatively, the ISO may be transferred to the Installer VM and mounted directly from there.

There are some changes to the "Deploy Installer VM" section of the Installation Guide when following this guide.

  • Skip the step named "Attach the Solution Add-On ISO to the VM"
  • Skip this command when preparing the VM
  • # mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/cdrom -t udf -o ro


  1. Open the Tenant UI for Cloud Provider of the Solutions Organization.
  2. Browse to the TMC-SM Installer vApp.
  3. Browse to the Photon OS VM in the vApp.
  4. Browse to Hardware -> Hard Disks.
  5. Edit the disks and add a new 64 GB disk.
  6. SSH into the TMC-SM Installer VM.
  7. Confirm the new disk is mounted as /dev/sdb
    # fdisk -l /dev/sdb
  8. Format the new disk and mount it to /solutions. Replace /dev/sdb with the appropriate name if needed.
  9. # sfdisk /dev/sdb <<EOF

    # mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1

    # mkdir /solutions

    # echo "/dev/sdb1 /solutions ext4 defaults 1 3" >> /etc/fstab

    # mount /solutions
  10. Confirm that `/solutions` is mounted with 32GB of space
    # df -h /solutions
    Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/sdb1 32G 0 24G 0% /solutions
  11. Transfer the ISO to the TMC-SM Installer using SCP or other tools
    scp vmware-vcd-tmc-0.1.0-21897297.iso root@
  12. Mount the solution ISO to the existing /mnt/cdrom directory
    mount /solutions/vmware-vcd-tmc-0.1.0-21897297.iso /mnt/cdrom -t udf -o ro

The solution ISO is now mounted and ready to use. There are no other changes to be made to the Installation Guide. Proceed to the "Create a self-signed certificate authority" section.



Version history
Revision #:
3 of 3
Last update:
‎07-12-2023 09:03 AM
Updated by: