VMware Horizon Community

Thinapp conflict between two versions of java


Speaking about java versions and IE, i have a very strange case for you...

We use two applications wich are IE7 based with only thindirect redirection to intranet adress. Very simple applications.

Application 01  is configured with an Applink of java 1.5 and Aapplication 02 with java 1.6.

Both application are installed from the msi file in the View Administrator console.

Applications were packaged one by one on a spcecific virtual machine Windows XP SP3 based, clean. Same thing with java versions. (but not with internet explorer as entry point....)

When i try to launch application 02 from the VDI desktop, IE7 starts, then i have a look inside sandbox location and the sandbox of application 01 appears too !!!!!!!    If i choose to log in application 02, the java version launched is 1.5, version linked with application 01 !!!!!

i've tried all sorts of isolation, package were located of DFS root so i moved to simple file server,

I can't understand what happens with this applications, there are supposed to launch her java applications independantly...

if a choose to install only application 02 on the VDI, it works fine !!

Does someone have allready seen that before ?

Thanks you very much for your help...

ThinAPP 4.6 or 4.7

Windows XP SP3

Internet Explorer 7

View 4.6

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4 Replies

How did you launch application 02 from the VDI desktop? If you launch application 01 and 02 separately from the package binary (iexplore.exe?) without installation, do you still see the problem?

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Both applications are deployed from View Administrator console in the ThinApp repository :

- MSI files are full installed on the VDI

- So each application has is own directory in Program files  like that :   "Application 01 (VMware Thinapp)"

- Inside this directory there are the .exe (internet explorer or another name) and the .dat file

At this point, no application is launched, only installed.

We launch application using Internet Explorer 8 that is installed on the VDI. Then favorites are pointing to applications thanks to thin direct (applications url are in each thindirect.txt)  who swap between IE8 and the good browser,  IE7. At this time when application is launched with IE7 (thindirect) the sandbox of application 01 is created and application 02 uses the wrong java version, the one of application 01 !!!!

if application 01 is not present on the VDI ( Not deployed from View console), application 02 works fine with correct java version....

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That is interesting. When application 01 is present and you launch app 02's URL, is it possible that it is app 01 being launched instead of app 02?

(I don't see similar issues with IE6 native and virtual in a non VDI setup)

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It is not really app 01 who's being launched instead of app 02 because url are good but applink only or anything else...

VMware support is going to investigate on it...

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