VMware Cloud Community

Update Manager 4.1 Database Compatibility

As I sit here planning our upgrade to 4.1 (vCenter, hosts, everything, etc.) trying to figure out the best way to migrate to a 64-bit OS on the vCenter server, I noticed what seems to be a regression in the SQL support for Update Manager that is going to cause me problems. According to the compatibility matrix, the only versions of SQL that are supported and x64 native are Enterprise editions. I don't want to run 32-bit SQL on the new 64-bit box, and I can't afford Enterprise edition. sql 2005 std 64-bit and sql 2008 std 32 and 64-bit are supported for 4.0 4U1 and 4U2, but not 4.1 - any reason for this? Has anyone yet tried to run 4.1 against a non-enterprise x64 edition of SQL?

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8 Replies

I was wondering the exact same thing. This incompatibility is going to put our vSphere 4.1 upgrade on hold since VUM has to be upgraded along with vCenter.

We are using SQL Server 2008 64-bit Standard Edition. Separate database server from vCenter, both are running 64-bit OS already.

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Have we heard anything on this? We were just preparing to upgrade when I saw the SQL 2008 Enterprise requirement as well. Seems very odd when regular VCenter doesn't require Enterprise and it will price a lot of users out of future upgrades.

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We placed a call with support. Initially the support person thought this was a typo as well, but then came back saying that he confirmed the chart was correct. I replied to his email and copied my SE basically stating that was insane, and it would delay our adoption of 4.1 until this is fixed. Here is the text of supports email -

Thank you for your Support Request.

Strange as it may seem, I was told that this is not an uncommon situation. The databases for Update Manager must be 32-bit. It is possible the Server 2008 Standard only runs in 64-bit mode, and one gets both 32- and 64-bit compatibility with Enterprise.

It may be theoretically possible for the product to work. However, we wouldn't consider it within supportability if it is outside the letter of the Compatibility Matrix.

For your purposes, it is necessary to deploy a database that is specifically listed in the 4.1 column of Page 14 of the Compatibility Matrix.

I hope this is helpful information. If you require any more assistance, please create another trouble ticket at 1-877-4VMWARE, or .

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Ok but if it only handles 32 bit, then why specifcally say that it will work with 2008 Enterprise 64 bit in the chart? I find it funny that it says it will also work with 2005 Express as well. Not to mention they aren't supporting sql R2 either.

So basically they are saying that for some reason, that we are going to keep changing, you have to buy a $25,000 db to support updates with our system rather than the $6,000 db that fits most budgets.

Didn't I read somewhere that VUM was going to stop doing Windows and Linus updates as well? I need to locate that article. Between that and the word that they are only going to have ESXi available after 4.5 then the VUM will be minimal use anyway.

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Ok but if it only handles 32 bit, then why specifcally say that it will work with 2008 Enterprise 64 bit in the chart? I find it funny that it says it will also work with 2005 Express as well. Not to mention they aren't supporting sql R2 either.

So basically they are saying that for some reason, that we are going to keep changing, you have to buy a $25,000 db to support updates with our system rather than the $6,000 db that fits most budgets.

Didn't I read somewhere that VUM was going to stop doing Windows and Linus updates as well? I need to locate that article. Between that and the word that they are only going to have ESXi available after 4.5 then the VUM will be minimal use anyway.

The next version of VUM will stop doing OS patches for Windows and Linux. I think it was in the release notes. It will still continue to do Tools and Virtual hardware upgrades. Also, ESXi only will diminish the need for VUM as well. But in my environment, I have a lot of remote - WAN connected - ESX systems. My current plan is to take them to 4.1 and leave them until I lease replace them so I will need VUM for at least 3 years.

Ultimately, I believe the db support thing is a mistake. Maybe not a typo, but somebody just not thinking straight. My sales team is going to get an earful.

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Hi All,

I believe this was a doc issue. The compatibility matrix has been updated.

Please refer to page 14 of:



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Interesting footnote, they have not tested these configurations.

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There is an error in the documentation.

See: http://www.yellow-bricks.com/2010/07/22/vum-and-ms-sql-2008-support/


Andrew | http://about.me/amauro | http://vinfrastructure.it/ | @Andrea_Mauro
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