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VCAP Deploy exam

What should I do If I encounter an issue related to the VMware operation while taking the VCAP Deploy exam?

How can I reach to VMware to validate what I have experienced.

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14 Replies
VMware Employee
VMware Employee

What sort of issue?

Did you report anything to the exam proctor?


Although I am a VMware employee I contribute to VMware Communities voluntarily (ie. not in any official capacity)
VMware Training & Certification blog
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I hope the below Q/A is the same what you are looking for. Here find the FAQ link:



Q. I experienced technical difficulties during the live lab exam.
What should I do?
A. If you experience a technical issue with the live lab availability
or functionality during the exam, please report it to the exam
proctor immediately. Ask for a Pearson VUE VSS support
ticket to be created. If no VSS support ticket is created,
VMware will not be able to review or confirm any issues
experienced. Issues reported after the exam can’t be validated.


If you are in the same situation, you should have report it immediately to the exam proctor.




Hi scott28tt,

Thank you for your reply, It was a vCenter related issue.

No, I didn't. The exam proctor is only for managing the PCs, not for the VMware related question. 

I just skipped to next question after 10mins. 

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Hi Sachchidanand,

Thank you for your reply.

I didn't report the exam proctor because I didn't expect them to handle explanations about how VMware products should work. I chose to skip the question but I would like to know how I can report to VMware.

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VMware Employee
VMware Employee

If you want to report a technical issue with the exam environment which you think prevented you from successfully competing tasks, I believe it’s now too late to report it to VMware, since you didn’t say anything to the exam proctor at the time.


Although I am a VMware employee I contribute to VMware Communities voluntarily (ie. not in any official capacity)
VMware Training & Certification blog
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Hi @PaulineN 

What I understand is that there was no such technical issue, but you faced something that is going within the lab itself. Correct me if I am wrong.

If it is related to any feature or work flow of vmware product, you can open a seprate post in the community itself. So whatever contact you are looking for will end with an email, most probably. So posting here will be the same as writing a mail to vmware.

I hope some community experts may answer your query, whatever you are trying to get from vmware directly.



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Thank you scott28tt

It is okay, I just wanted to have an idea of what kind of ways I could have chosen.
Thank you for your reply 🙂

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Hi Sachchidanand, 

Now your comment has made me think that it might be part of the exam.
If you can confirm whether it is indeed part of the exam or not, I would appreciate it.

The issue (which I thought it was) occurred at the very beginning of the first task.
As instructed, I attempted to configure Stage 2 of 'vCenter Server' via the Management Interface. However, instead of displaying the 'Setup Wizard' after clicking 'Setup,' a root authentication box kept popping up, and the 'Setup Wizard' did not appear.
As your information, root authentication was never failed and let me into Management Interface without any problem.
It was just the root authentication box kept popping up.

Is this symptom is part of the task to resolve??? 

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Hi @PaulineN 

   I have not faced the issue ever, so can not surely answer this.

   It will be better if you post the same question under "vCenter Discussion", may be someone will answer there.



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VMware Employee
VMware Employee

Hi Pauline, while I can't confirm whether the issue you faced was part fo the exam and/or environment itself, which required working through, it looks like you didn't report the issue. I recommend any time something like that happens, while the proctor is unable to assist, after the exam please send a note to certification@vmware.com. The team can look into the specific issue, the specific exam attempt  and determine whether there was an issue or if it was part of the exam and result of actions taken within the environment.

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Hi KarlChilds,

Thank you for your reply.

I have been contacting certification@vmware.com; however, I have not received a clear answer regarding whether the symptom I previously reported is considered expected behavior for the given task or not.

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@KarlChilds @Sachchidanand @scott28tt 

Thank you for your help on this thread.

I retook the Exam 3V0-22.21n, and this time, I did not encounter the same symptoms as before.
This suggests that they were not a part of the task or expected behavior.
I am uncertain whether the VMware Certification Team will provide a proper answer to my question.
However, I will continue to reach out to determine what would be better idea to do during the exam.


VMware Employee
VMware Employee

If you don't report anything to the exam proctor at the time, there's nothing that can be done - the FAQ response which was added early in this post is the correct answer.

The lab environments aren't kept forever, they are removed and redeployed for future exam takers.

The proctor won't be able to help fix a problem within your environment, but it can be marked/tagged/reported back to VMware for investigation.


Although I am a VMware employee I contribute to VMware Communities voluntarily (ie. not in any official capacity)
VMware Training & Certification blog
VMware Employee
VMware Employee

@PaulineN Hi Pauline, what kind of proper answer are you looking for? I am on the certification team and Karl manages the program so you got the only information we can provide. Without it being reported at the time of the exam, we aren't able to tell you more than that. 

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