VMware Edu & Cert Community

Ekkk! I have 2 months to study and pass the VCP5-DCV

Apologies if I am posting this in the wrong section I currently have 2 months before my VCP5-DCV exam so I have to cram.  Can someone recommend a good study resource preferably video that’s how I like to learn ideally.

I have the blueprint already but I have found precious little else,  I have been looking for ...

-     An iPhone/iPad app preferably with test exam

-     Study guides I believe all the ones I have located on eBay are for the previous as opposed to the latest

-     Torrents found various "Nuggets" but again I think they refer to the previous exam

I have a home lab and am currently working on the job, any advice guys?

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14 Replies

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Welcome to the Community - As an ex-instructor I do not recommend using brain dumps and companies looking to sell you practice exams as I have found the information to be incorrect - the blueprint and online documentation is a good start along with the course documentation - your home lab you will be able to practice and see how the product works,

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Do you think I will be able to learn it all within 8 weeks mate?  Unfortuately I was not blessed with the best memory how much cramming do you think I should put in per day?

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Who is putting this time constraint on you for passing the exam? Take the time needed and sit the exam when you believe you are 100% ready.  The VCP exam is nothing you need to rush into.  Passing the exam doesn't determine your VCP status, you'll need to meet all the prerequisites involved which included a training course a a VMware Authorized Training Center.

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I have just finished the install configure manage course however I was led to believe that this is not enough to complete and significantly more study is required.

I have found several study book on ebay however to be honest I am not 100% confident they relate to the latest version (VCP5-DCV).  Much of the material I find seems to merely have reference to VCP5.  Is there a definitive way of knowing your buy the correct book?

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VMware Employee
VMware Employee

VCP5-DCV is the new name for VCP5.

The objectives for the exam are in the blueprint which you'll find on this page: http://mylearn.vmware.com/mgrReg/plan.cfm?plan=12457&ui=www_cert

I don't think you need to buy a book, although they can help. With the exam blueprint, the documentation, and the software, you have what you need.


Although I am a VMware employee I contribute to VMware Communities voluntarily (ie. not in any official capacity)
VMware Training & Certification blog
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You can found some resources also here:


IMHO... don't try to study the exam on a smartphone... Try to read the documentation, but also make some practice.

Andrew | http://about.me/amauro | http://vinfrastructure.it/ | @Andrea_Mauro
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On a side note "Torrents found various "Nuggets" but again I think they refer to the previous exam" you're stepping on very dodgy ground here because this is illegal, for $50 per month you can get a subscription from Trainsignal that would give you access to all their training material. Also there are plenty of legal and very concise study guides out there covering all the required material.

What will be important is having hands on experience with the software, this isn't an exam where pure theory will work, you have to be using the product and have experience with it to ensure you pass the exam easily.

Can you do it in 2 months?? actually pretty easily but you will have to work hard to do so.

As far as the iPad is concerned, if you have the Kindle app then you're in luck because VMware have a number of documents in mobi format that you can send to your iPad very quickly and easily, in addition the Kindle app also allows you to send PDF docs to it as well (some of the previously mentioned study guides come in PDF format as well as on-line).

Lastly, practice practice practice. The more hands on time you get the better your chances.

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I'm studing for my exam, which im taking next week. I took the course two months ago. I agree, dont rush it (already moved my exam two weeks last week). The best thing is to follow:

- the Blue print,

- the book (after reading it i made an summary for myself),

- the moc exam

- play with a test lab (built mine with VMWare Workstation, two hosts, OpenFiler, Windows 2008 R2. On the hosts four VM's).

What works for me is going into every menu and understanding each option, setting it and then testing it. It's allot of work (i'm over the 100 hours of self-study). Im now in the finishing fase of my learning. If i pass the exam (which is a pretty though exam) i will be satisfied and proud of myself. The most important is that i can caal myself a REAL VCP!!

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Well done Luke, you just admitted to brain dumping the exam so chances are that if you're lucky and do pass the exam VMware won't grant you the pass anyway because of cheating.

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Cheating?  I'm not with you mate? I have only just stumbled across this its a practice exam isn't it?

Are you telling me its the actual exam?  If so I was unaware, however how else am I supposed to evaluate my weak areas?  To be honest I have been studying until my eyes bleed its been genuine graft IF I do happen to pass I imagine it will have little to do with that resource (not with the limited time frame I have now).

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Back to the original question can anyone give me any sort of indication as to how many or what percentage/ratio/number of questions you can afford to get wrong?  As it stands I am not confident with the number I am getting right. I am typically only getting 60%-65% of the questions correct with either the trainsignal test exam or the above sacrilegious resource which I best stop using before I get lynched, no doubt VMware are going to radically change the exam asap now regardless assuming this is a leak???

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Luke, because it's a sliding scale you don't have a percentage\ratio of questions you can or can't get wrong. That's the idea behind the blueprint and the various VCP books out there.

Also worth knowing that VMware offer this practice exam VMware Certification as well as the one on Simon Longs website VCP5 Practice Exam Questions – Part 1 (Beta) - The SLOG – SimonLong/Blog

As long as you have enough hands on experience, have a lab to play with (whether that's dedicated or running in VMware Player or Workstation) and know the blueprint you should be fine.

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Thanks-you mate I have just done Simon Longs practive exam, although I passed the score was hardly confidence inspiring...

VCP5 Practice Exam Questions – Part 1 (Beta)

You have completed VCP5 Practice Exam - Part 1. You scored 31 out of 50. Your final score is 62.00% Congratulations you have passed.

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