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VCP5 certification exam & preparation


Kindly let me know how should i go for VCP5 certification preparation and certification exam registration. I have hands knowledge on vsphere , vcenter.

Thanks in advance

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6 Replies

The first step would be to register for the vSphere 5 Install, Configure and Manage class. You can find the necessary information from this link - (VCP5-DCV) VCP-Datacenter Virtualization

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If you follow the link that Weinstein posted you will also find a Study Guide and Practice Exam and most importantly a link to the exam Blueprint.

Build yourself a home lab with copy of VMware Workstation & 60 day eval licenses for ESXi, vCenter etc and work through the blueprint Smiley Happy

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Just like the OP, I am also interested in getting a VCP5 certification.  I clicked that link that you provided, and it appears that it is a requirement to attend at least one of their training courses (which usually costs around $4,000).  Is this really the case?  I already work in a large data center, where I manage multiple ESXi clusters... I don't really think its necessary that I attend more classes, nor can I afford the cost even if it was required.  Is there any way to skip taking those classes, or am I SOL?


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No attending a course is a requirement. If you are experienced VMware with they do offer more advanced classes that satisfy the requirement but having taught the Install, Configure and Manage class and it does a provide a good foundation for how vSphere works - if your employer is not willing to pay for the class you might want to a look a local community college as VMware has started working with the colleges to provide more cost effective training. I know this program is available in the US.

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Thank you for your reply.

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If you work for or contract to a VMware Premier Partner the class requirement is waived.

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