VMware Cloud Community

Partition split in separate VMDK files

During the P2V conversion the two partitions ( c: & d: ) of the Servers were created as one VMDK file ,but I would like to have these partitions as separate VMDK file ?

Pls guide me,if anyone came across similar issue …on how a existing partitions on VMDK file can be split in two separate VMDK files. ( So that each partition has its own VMDK file ) .


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2 Replies

You chould be able to accomplish what you are looking for with converter, it looks like you chose disk based cloning - check out page 14 on volume based cloning -

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I've never seen converter be able to split a partitioned disk as you suggest. If you had an array with a c and d partition to begin with, that is what you end up with. You can modify the size of those volumes, but you will still end up with them on one VMDK. Not sure how much data you have on d, but you can create a new drive, and copy all of your d data to it.


vExpert/VCP/VCAP vmwise.com / @vmwise -KjB
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