VMware Cloud Community

Rename / Re IP Virtual Center

Hello folks - looking to ensure I'm not missing anything

Will be renaming / re-ip'ing our virutal center (2.0.2) running SQL 2000 (13 ESX hosts / two data centers / 200+ VM's / various resource pools, license server is on same machine)

Here are the steps I believe need to be performed (correct me if you see something wrong).

1) Turn off HA on the two data centers

2) Disconnect all ESX hosts in VC (since the VPXA will need to be re-initialized for the new VC name / IP)

3) Move VC to new location

A) Re-IP system - ensure connectivity to all ESX hosts

B) Rename Server

4) (after reboot) - Run following SP to correct sysservers system table (I'll use SQL Query Analyser tool) - NOTE: I use the default instance

A) Run sp_dropserver , local

5) Reboot

6) Reread the license server (VMware License server tools (LMTOOLS)) - then perform status enquiry (Server Status tab) to ensure proper name

7) Reboot (not really needed but just to be safe)

😎 Wait about 10 minutes for items to settle out then use VCI client to connect to new server name

9) Once logged into VC need to go ADMINISTRATION - VirtualCenter Management Server Configuration - on the License Server change the license server name to new name

10) Reconnect all ESX hosts

11) Enable HA

12) - Generate / send out new URL links for those folks who do control "their" VM's by this method

13) Cross fingers (or is that step 1?)

Thanks in advance

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2 Replies

why not just script an IP change in /etc/opt/vmware/vpxa/vpxa.cfg along with an update to your /etc/hosts if you use them

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Thanks for the idea

I thought there was more to the client (VPXA) then just the IP/name - I thought the VPXuser account played a role in the communication between VPXA and VPXD along with some other items?

So are you saying that there is nothing more than the IP / Name that is used for VPXA to communicate with VPXD?

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