VMware Cloud Community

Compiling ESX 3 MIBs to import into OV Operations


I am wondering if anyone has been able to successfully integrate a VMware ESX 3.0.1 host and OV Operations?

I have the ESX MIBs which I found out are located on the host at /usr/lib/vmware/snmp/mibs. I have successfully been able to configure my server to send snmp traps to my OVO Management Server and the Mgmt server is receiving the traps and producing them in my Message Browser. However, they don't mean much as the MIBS have not been imported into OVO.

One thing to mention is that I have the HPSIM agents installed on my hosts as well. This is where I setup the SNMP traps to point to the OVO Mgmt server. However, have confirmed by looking at the HP Systems Manager GUI under Settings/SNMP WebAgent, that the config presented there is a combination of the snmp.conf and snmpd.conf.esx files located at /etc/snmp.

SO I guess my problem is getting the ESX MIBS loaded into the OVO Mgmt server.

Any assistance is appreciated.



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3 Replies


I have managed to figure out that I have to combine all the ESX MIBs located on the VMware Host into the one file ROOT file. I am then able to Load this MIB file into NNM, which updates my trapd.conf file, however it appears that only about 6 entries are created. This could be the 6 files which are combined into one. Is this correct?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



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I'm having a similar problem...

but I have not been able to successfully get the mibs combined into one file. I an import the vmware-traps.mib but none of the others. When I paste the contents of all the mibs into the vmware-root.mib (everything in between the header & end) I simply get an error and the mib never imports.)

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Last time MRSNMP attempted this, found that HP SIM SMI parser has issues with mib files which import mib files

which import mib files.

And I validated the VMware mib files using libsmi tool smilint -l9 they checked out ok too.

So editing the files to consolidate them into something HP SIM could underatnd worked.

BTW, VMware posts the mib files here and it covers all releases, the SMI being backward compatible.


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