VMware Cloud Community

ESX server- iSCSI intiator send ABORT TASK commands

Hello All,

Before ESX server 3.5, i was using ESX server 3.0.2. I have iSCSI target which use towork very fine with ESX 3.0.2. Now i have upgraded to ESX 3.5. I found iSCSI initiator in ESX server send ABORT TASK and ABORT TASK SET task management command. My First question is why this commands are send by initiatiator? I jave implemented these commands for my Target, but things are not working fine. As after issusing these commands initiaotor closes the connection. i have checked these things with IET iSCSI target(Open Source). same things are happening. When initiator send task management commands it slows down the Virtual machine installation.

I want to know whether these commands are added as new feature in 3.5 version and what is it's purpose ?



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