VMware Cloud Community

Power on virtual machine : freeze at 95%


I am trying to bring online a converted windows 2003 DC. Each time i power it on it freezes at 95%.

What could be the reason?

Sorry but if you need any logs ask me, i'd be happy to provide them.


0 Kudos
13 Replies

What does the vmware.log provide, if anything?

Try this link:


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0 Kudos

Usually this is a result of it waiting for an answer to a question, typically about the disk controller. Open a remote console window and see if a question prompt appears. Or right-click on the VM and select "Answer Question"

0 Kudos

I connecte ddirectly with VI to the ESX host started the VM still hanging at 95%...the Answer Question is greyed, no console access possible.

The logs look quiet ok:

Jul 27 16:28:20.143: vmx| DICT --- HOST DEFAULTS

Jul 27 16:28:20.143: vmx| DICT libdir = /usr/lib/vmware

Jul 27 16:28:20.143: vmx| DICT authd.fullpath = /usr/sbin/vmware-authd

Jul 27 16:28:20.143: vmx| DICT authd.client.port = 902

Jul 27 16:28:20.143: vmx| DICT vmware.fullpath = /usr/bin/vmware

Jul 27 16:28:20.143: vmx| DICT control.fullpath = /usr/bin/vmware-cmd

Jul 27 16:28:20.143: vmx| DICT serverd.fullpath = /usr/sbin/vmware-serverd

Jul 27 16:28:20.143: vmx| DICT serverd.init.fullpath = /usr/lib/vmware/serverd/init.pl

Jul 27 16:28:20.143: vmx| DICT authd.proxy.vim = vmware-hostd:hostd-vmdb

Jul 27 16:28:20.143: vmx| DICT authd.proxy.nfc = vmware-hostd:ha-nfc

Jul 27 16:28:20.143: vmx| DICT --- SITE DEFAULTS

Jul 27 16:28:20.143: vmx| DICT tag.help = introduction.htm

Jul 27 16:28:20.143: vmx| DICT tag.configurationEditor = config_editor_newvm.htm

Jul 27 16:28:20.143: vmx| DICT tag.ideConfig = devices_virtualdrive.htm

Jul 27 16:28:20.143: vmx| DICT tag.floppyConfig = devices_floppy.htm

Jul 27 16:28:20.143: vmx| DICT tag.mouseConfig = devices_mouse.htm

Jul 27 16:28:20.143: vmx| DICT tag.netConfig = devices_netadapter.htm

Jul 27 16:28:20.143: vmx| DICT tag.parallelConfig = devices_parallel.htm

Jul 27 16:28:20.143: vmx| DICT tag.serialConfig = devices_serial.htm

Jul 27 16:28:20.143: vmx| DICT tag.soundConfig = devices_sound.htm

Jul 27 16:28:20.143: vmx| DICT tag.memConfig = configvm_memory.htm

Jul 27 16:28:20.143: vmx| DICT tag.miscConfig = configvm.htm

Jul 27 16:28:20.143: vmx| DICT tag.usbConfig = devices_usb.htm

Jul 27 16:28:20.143: vmx| DICT tag.displayConfig = configvm_display-problems.htm

Jul 27 16:28:20.143: vmx| DICT tag.tools = vmtools.htm

Jul 27 16:28:20.143: vmx| DICT --- GLOBAL SETTINGS

Jul 27 16:28:20.160: vmx| STATDECLGROUP stats Root "" null

Jul 27 16:28:20.197: vmx| Host CPUID features: version 0x6f8 id1.edx 0xbfebfbff id1.ecx 0x4e3bd id81.edx 0x20100000 id81.ecx 0x1

Jul 27 16:28:20.197: vmx| CPU.cpuFeatures = 0xb971ff37

Jul 27 16:28:20.198: vmx| CPUID after masking: version 0x6f8 id1.edx 0xfebbbff id1.ecx 0x211 id81.edx 0x100800 id81.ecx 0x0 id88.ecx 0x0

Jul 27 16:28:20.198: vmx| CPU.cpuFeatures = 0x9871fe03

Jul 27 16:28:20.226: vmx| KHZEstimate 2327500

Jul 27 16:28:20.226: vmx| MHZEstimate 2328

Jul 27 16:28:20.226: vmx| NumVCPUs 1

Jul 27 16:28:20.226: vmx| UUID: location-UUID is 56 4d d6 0c 2a fc 2d 5d-51 6b 3e 1a c1 6c be 92

Jul 27 16:28:20.226: vmx| UUID: canonical path is /vmfs/volumes/4696119f-5f987323-97cc-001aa026b9a4/remcorpdc01_1/remcorpdc01_1.vmx

Jul 27 16:28:20.226: vmx| UUID: location-UUID is 56 4d d6 0c 2a fc 2d 5d-51 6b 3e 1a c1 6c be 92

Jul 27 16:28:20.226: vmx| UUID: Writing uuid.location 56 4d d6 0c 2a fc 2d 5d-51 6b 3e 1a c1 6c be 92

Jul 27 16:28:20.242: vmx| Mapped mainmem as pageable

Jul 27 16:28:20.246: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.uptime

Jul 27 16:28:20.246: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.suspendTime

Jul 27 16:28:20.246: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.powerOnTimeStamp

Jul 27 16:28:20.259: vmx| VMXVmdb_LoadRawConfig: Loading raw config

Jul 27 16:28:20.263: vmx| DISK: OPEN scsi0:0 '/vmfs/volumes/4696119f-5f987323-97cc-001aa026b9a4/remcorpdc01_1/remcorpdc01_1.vmdk' persistent R\[(null)]

Jul 27 16:28:20.264: vmx| DISKLIB-VMFS : "/vmfs/volumes/4696119f-5f987323-97cc-001aa026b9a4/remcorpdc01_1/remcorpdc01_1-flat.vmdk" : open successful (10) size = 13971883008, hd = 1094. Type 3

Jul 27 16:28:20.264: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened : "remcorpdc01_1-flat.vmdk" (0xa)

Jul 27 16:28:20.264: vmx| DISKLIB-LINK : Opened '/vmfs/volumes/4696119f-5f987323-97cc-001aa026b9a4/remcorpdc01_1/remcorpdc01_1.vmdk' (0xa): vmfs, 27288834 sectors / 13325 Mb.

Jul 27 16:28:20.265: vmx| DISKLIB-LIB : Opened "/vmfs/volumes/4696119f-5f987323-97cc-001aa026b9a4/remcorpdc01_1/remcorpdc01_1.vmdk" (flags 0xa). 0x85693d8

Jul 27 16:28:20.346: vmx| DISK: OPEN '/vmfs/volumes/4696119f-5f987323-97cc-001aa026b9a4/remcorpdc01_1/remcorpdc01_1.vmdk' Geo (1698/255/63) BIOS Geo (0/0/0) freeSpace=114710Mb, DDB.adapterType=buslogic

Jul 27 16:28:20.349: vmx| TimeTracker host to guest rate conversion 2857741279589224 @ 2327500000Hz -> 2857741279589224 @ 2327500000Hz

Jul 27 16:28:20.349: vmx| TimeTracker host to guest rate conversion ((x * 2147483648) >> 31) + 0

Jul 27 16:28:20.356: vmx| Msg_Hint: msg.buslogic.needDriver (not shown)

Jul 27 16:28:20.359: vmx| DumpDiskInfo: scsi0:0 createType=11, capacity = 27288834, numLinks = 1, allocationType = 1

Jul 27 16:28:20.359: vmx| SCSIDiskESXPopulateVDevDesc: Using FS backend

Jul 27 16:28:20.359: vmx| DISKUTIL: scsi0:0 : geometry=1698/255/63

Jul 27 16:28:20.359: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.heartbeat

Jul 27 16:28:20.360: vmx| DISKUTIL: scsi0:0 : toolsVersion = 0

Jul 27 16:28:20.360: vmx| DISKUTIL: Offline toolsVersion = 0

Jul 27 16:28:20.361: vmx| TOOLS INSTALL initializing state to IDLE on power on.

Jul 27 16:28:20.363: vmx| NVRAMMGR: No valid NVRAM file found, will create default NVRAM.

Jul 27 16:28:20.382: vmx| DVGA: Cannot map VGA physical frame buffer: Invalid argument.

Jul 27 16:28:20.382: vmx| DVGA: Full screen VGA will not be available.

Jul 27 16:28:20.401: vmx| SVGA: Truncated max res to VRAM size: 4194304 bytes VRAM, 1180x885 Max Resolution

Jul 27 16:28:20.402: vmx| USB: Initializing UHCI host controller

Jul 27 16:28:20.404: vmx| USB: Initializing USB Generic backend

0 Kudos

I see this message "Msg_Hint: msg.buslogic.needDriver (not shown)". You can try editing your VM and changing the disk controller to LSI Logic which is what you should use for 2003 servers.

0 Kudos

I chnaged to LSI, still hanging 95%

Jul 17 11:42:35.873: vmx| DICT tag.tools = vmtools.htm

Jul 17 11:42:35.873: vmx| DICT --- GLOBAL SETTINGS

Jul 17 11:42:35.875: vmx| STATDECLGROUP stats Root "" null

Jul 17 11:42:35.877: vmx| Host CPUID features: version 0x6f8 id1.edx 0xbfebfbff id1.ecx 0x4e3bd id81.edx 0x20100000 id81.ecx 0x1

Jul 17 11:42:35.877: vmx| CPU.cpuFeatures = 0xb971ff37

Jul 17 11:42:35.877: vmx| CPUID after masking: version 0x6f8 id1.edx 0xfebbbff id1.ecx 0x211 id81.edx 0x100800 id81.ecx 0x0 id88.ecx 0x0

Jul 17 11:42:35.877: vmx| CPU.cpuFeatures = 0x9871fe03

Jul 17 11:42:35.901: vmx| KHZEstimate 2327500

Jul 17 11:42:35.901: vmx| MHZEstimate 2328

Jul 17 11:42:35.901: vmx| NumVCPUs 1

Jul 17 11:42:35.901: vmx| UUID: location-UUID is 56 4d ad 9e 6e 64 67 14-6e e0 cf 24 e5 35 77 41

Jul 17 11:42:35.902: vmx| UUID: canonical path is /vmfs/volumes/4696119f-5f987323-97cc-001aa026b9a4/remcorpdc01/remcorpdc01.vmx

Jul 17 11:42:35.902: vmx| UUID: location-UUID is 56 4d ad 9e 6e 64 67 14-6e e0 cf 24 e5 35 77 41

Jul 17 11:42:35.902: vmx| UUID: Writing uuid.location 56 4d ad 9e 6e 64 67 14-6e e0 cf 24 e5 35 77 41

Jul 17 11:42:35.916: vmx| Mapped mainmem as pageable

Jul 17 11:42:35.919: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.uptime

Jul 17 11:42:35.919: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.suspendTime

Jul 17 11:42:35.919: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.powerOnTimeStamp

Jul 17 11:42:35.924: vmx| VMXVmdb_LoadRawConfig: Loading raw config

Jul 17 11:42:35.928: vmx| DISK: OPEN scsi0:0 '/vmfs/volumes/4696119f-5f987323-97cc-001aa026b9a4/remcorpdc01/remcorpdc01.vmdk' persistent R\[(null)]

Jul 17 11:42:35.929: vmx| DISKLIB-VMFS : "/vmfs/volumes/4696119f-5f987323-97cc-001aa026b9a4/remcorpdc01/remcorpdc01-flat.vmdk" : open successful (10) size = 16131736576, hd = 30740. Type 3

Jul 17 11:42:35.929: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened : "remcorpdc01-flat.vmdk" (0xa)

Jul 17 11:42:35.929: vmx| DISKLIB-LINK : Opened '/vmfs/volumes/4696119f-5f987323-97cc-001aa026b9a4/remcorpdc01/remcorpdc01.vmdk' (0xa): vmfs, 31507298 sectors / 15385 Mb.

Jul 17 11:42:35.930: vmx| DISKLIB-LIB : Opened "/vmfs/volumes/4696119f-5f987323-97cc-001aa026b9a4/remcorpdc01/remcorpdc01.vmdk" (flags 0xa). 0x856a020

Jul 17 11:42:35.963: vmx| DISK: OPEN '/vmfs/volumes/4696119f-5f987323-97cc-001aa026b9a4/remcorpdc01/remcorpdc01.vmdk' Geo (1961/255/63) BIOS Geo (0/0/0) freeSpace=722677Mb, DDB.adapterType=buslogic

Jul 17 11:42:35.965: vmx| TimeTracker host to guest rate conversion 806877480648316 @ 2327500000Hz -> 806877480648316 @ 2327500000Hz

Jul 17 11:42:35.965: vmx| TimeTracker host to guest rate conversion ((x * 2147483648) >> 31) + 0

Jul 17 11:42:35.969: vmx| Msg_Hint: msg.buslogic.needDriver (not shown)

Jul 17 11:42:35.971: vmx| DumpDiskInfo: scsi0:0 createType=11, capacity = 31507298, numLinks = 1, allocationType = 1

Jul 17 11:42:35.971: vmx| SCSIDiskESXPopulateVDevDesc: Using FS backend

Jul 17 11:42:35.971: vmx| DISKUTIL: scsi0:0 : geometry=1961/255/63

Jul 17 11:42:35.971: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.heartbeat

Jul 17 11:42:35.972: vmx| DISKUTIL: scsi0:0 : toolsVersion = 0

Jul 17 11:42:35.972: vmx| DISKUTIL: Offline toolsVersion = 0

Jul 17 11:42:35.973: vmx| TOOLS INSTALL initializing state to IDLE on power on.

Jul 17 11:42:35.974: vmx| NVRAMMGR: No valid NVRAM file found, will create default NVRAM.

Jul 17 11:42:35.995: vmx| DVGA: Cannot map VGA physical frame buffer: Invalid argument.

Jul 17 11:42:35.995: vmx| DVGA: Full screen VGA will not be available.

Jul 17 11:42:36.026: vmx| SVGA: Truncated max res to VRAM size: 4194304 bytes VRAM, 1180x885 Max Resolution

Jul 17 11:42:36.027: vmx| USB: Initializing UHCI host controller

Jul 17 11:42:36.028: vmx| USB: Initializing USB Generic backend

0 Kudos

sorry wrong logs

Jul 27 16:28:20.143: vmx| DICT --- GLOBAL SETTINGS

Jul 27 16:28:20.160: vmx| STATDECLGROUP stats Root "" null

Jul 27 16:28:20.197: vmx| Host CPUID features: version 0x6f8 id1.edx 0xbfebfbff id1.ecx 0x4e3bd id81.edx 0x20100000 id81.ecx 0x1

Jul 27 16:28:20.197: vmx| CPU.cpuFeatures = 0xb971ff37

Jul 27 16:28:20.198: vmx| CPUID after masking: version 0x6f8 id1.edx 0xfebbbff id1.ecx 0x211 id81.edx 0x100800 id81.ecx 0x0 id88.ecx 0x0

Jul 27 16:28:20.198: vmx| CPU.cpuFeatures = 0x9871fe03

Jul 27 16:28:20.226: vmx| KHZEstimate 2327500

Jul 27 16:28:20.226: vmx| MHZEstimate 2328

Jul 27 16:28:20.226: vmx| NumVCPUs 1

Jul 27 16:28:20.226: vmx| UUID: location-UUID is 56 4d d6 0c 2a fc 2d 5d-51 6b 3e 1a c1 6c be 92

Jul 27 16:28:20.226: vmx| UUID: canonical path is /vmfs/volumes/4696119f-5f987323-97cc-001aa026b9a4/remcorpdc01_1/remcorpdc01_1.vmx

Jul 27 16:28:20.226: vmx| UUID: location-UUID is 56 4d d6 0c 2a fc 2d 5d-51 6b 3e 1a c1 6c be 92

Jul 27 16:28:20.226: vmx| UUID: Writing uuid.location 56 4d d6 0c 2a fc 2d 5d-51 6b 3e 1a c1 6c be 92

Jul 27 16:28:20.242: vmx| Mapped mainmem as pageable

Jul 27 16:28:20.246: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.uptime

Jul 27 16:28:20.246: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.suspendTime

Jul 27 16:28:20.246: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.powerOnTimeStamp

Jul 27 16:28:20.259: vmx| VMXVmdb_LoadRawConfig: Loading raw config

Jul 27 16:28:20.263: vmx| DISK: OPEN scsi0:0 '/vmfs/volumes/4696119f-5f987323-97cc-001aa026b9a4/remcorpdc01_1/remcorpdc01_1.vmdk' persistent R\[(null)]

Jul 27 16:28:20.264: vmx| DISKLIB-VMFS : "/vmfs/volumes/4696119f-5f987323-97cc-001aa026b9a4/remcorpdc01_1/remcorpdc01_1-flat.vmdk" : open successful (10) size = 13971883008, hd = 1094. Type 3

Jul 27 16:28:20.264: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened : "remcorpdc01_1-flat.vmdk" (0xa)

Jul 27 16:28:20.264: vmx| DISKLIB-LINK : Opened '/vmfs/volumes/4696119f-5f987323-97cc-001aa026b9a4/remcorpdc01_1/remcorpdc01_1.vmdk' (0xa): vmfs, 27288834 sectors / 13325 Mb.

Jul 27 16:28:20.265: vmx| DISKLIB-LIB : Opened "/vmfs/volumes/4696119f-5f987323-97cc-001aa026b9a4/remcorpdc01_1/remcorpdc01_1.vmdk" (flags 0xa). 0x85693d8

Jul 27 16:28:20.346: vmx| DISK: OPEN '/vmfs/volumes/4696119f-5f987323-97cc-001aa026b9a4/remcorpdc01_1/remcorpdc01_1.vmdk' Geo (1698/255/63) BIOS Geo (0/0/0) freeSpace=114710Mb, DDB.adapterType=buslogic

Jul 27 16:28:20.349: vmx| TimeTracker host to guest rate conversion 2857741279589224 @ 2327500000Hz -> 2857741279589224 @ 2327500000Hz

Jul 27 16:28:20.349: vmx| TimeTracker host to guest rate conversion ((x * 2147483648) >> 31) + 0

Jul 27 16:28:20.356: vmx| Msg_Hint: msg.buslogic.needDriver (not shown)

Jul 27 16:28:20.359: vmx| DumpDiskInfo: scsi0:0 createType=11, capacity = 27288834, numLinks = 1, allocationType = 1

Jul 27 16:28:20.359: vmx| SCSIDiskESXPopulateVDevDesc: Using FS backend

Jul 27 16:28:20.359: vmx| DISKUTIL: scsi0:0 : geometry=1698/255/63

Jul 27 16:28:20.359: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.heartbeat

Jul 27 16:28:20.360: vmx| DISKUTIL: scsi0:0 : toolsVersion = 0

Jul 27 16:28:20.360: vmx| DISKUTIL: Offline toolsVersion = 0

Jul 27 16:28:20.361: vmx| TOOLS INSTALL initializing state to IDLE on power on.

Jul 27 16:28:20.363: vmx| NVRAMMGR: No valid NVRAM file found, will create default NVRAM.

Jul 27 16:28:20.382: vmx| DVGA: Cannot map VGA physical frame buffer: Invalid argument.

Jul 27 16:28:20.382: vmx| DVGA: Full screen VGA will not be available.

Jul 27 16:28:20.401: vmx| SVGA: Truncated max res to VRAM size: 4194304 bytes VRAM, 1180x885 Max Resolution

Jul 27 16:28:20.402: vmx| USB: Initializing UHCI host controller

Jul 27 16:28:20.404: vmx| USB: Initializing USB Generic backend

0 Kudos

Looks like the same error. Try editing the VM and removing any USB hardware.



I already had deleted the USB hardware, also the serial port.

Now i am trying to delete that server hoping to convert again but the delete process hangs too at 95%

I have restarted service mgmt-vmware but now i have a disconnected VM that is greyed, that i cant remove from inventory and cant delete anymore.

Message was edited by:


0 Kudos

Try connecting directly to ESX and see if it is deleted. If it is you might be able to clear VC by doing service vmware-vpxa restart.

Also see this post...


0 Kudos

Try this:

un-register the machine in Virtual Center

Remove all of the logs / configuration files associated with this VM (everything but the .vmdk files)

Create a new VM and point to the existing .vmdk files

Power on

0 Kudos

The machines are unregistered but i cannot delete them entirely.

If i look at the processes i have one still using the files

ps aux |grep remcorpdc01

root 18257 0.0 0.0 1740 156 ? D< Jul17 0:00 /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmkload_app /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware-vmx -ssched.group=host/user -@ pipe=/tmp/vmhsdaemon-0/vmx7ce871abd9031e1d;vm=7ce871abd9031e1d /vmfs/volumes/4696119f-5f987323-97cc-001aa026b9a4/remcorpdc01/remcorpdc01.vmx

I have tried to kill the process (kill 9 18257) but it is still there so i cant remove the flat file

0 Kudos

You might try this method...

• Login to the service console

• Get the vmid of the VM you want to kill by typing “vm-support –x”

• Kill the VM and generate core dumps and logs by typing “vm-support –X ”

• You will be prompted if you want to include a screenshot of the VM, send an NMI to the VM and send a ABORT to the VM, you must answer Yes to the ABORT question to kill the VM. The entire process will take about 5-10 minutes to run. It will create a tar archive in the directory you run it in.



We had this same issue earlier this week. We found that the swap file associated with the machine had become corrupt.

We deleted the swap file and a new one was created the next time the machine was started.

0 Kudos