VMware Cloud Community

Resource pooling

I have a 3xESX 3.5 Cluster in which all servers run 4xDual Core CPUs @ 3Ghz. What i'm trying to do is reserve CPU resources on one particular server to see what the maximum is that I can get to a VM.

Basically I have migrated all VMs off of one of the hosts so that only one guest is running. I've put that into its own resource pool so that nothing else is on the server. I only seem to be able to set a CPU reservation of around 12GHz. Anything more and Virtual Centre complains that there are not enough resources available.

Why is it that I can only reserver 12GHz on a server when, based on my calculations, I should be able to reserve up to 24Ghz (8 CPUs @ 3Ghz).

How can I reserve the majority of a ESX host for one Guest?

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2 Replies

3Ghz. What i'm trying to do is reserve CPU resources on one particular server to see what the maximum is that I can get to a VM.

1 VM with 1 vCPU is 3GHz, same as a physical processor. 1 VM with 2 vCPU is 6GHZ, 1 VM with 4vCPU is 12GHz, it's simple math. The vCPU is tied to the equivalent of 1 CPU on the host system, unless you throttle the CPU, that is what you will get, no more, no less.

Reserving resources only means that the ESX server sets aside that amount of resource, that once it's been utilized by the VM or pool, it can't be used for any other purpose, even unless you shutdown those VM's.

I've put that into its own resource pool so that nothing else is on the server. I only seem to be able to set a CPU reservation of around 12GHz.

That's correct you have a Dual Core / Dual Socket mahine. Math: 2 Dual cores (3Ghz each is 6 Ghz), 2 Sockets with 2 6GHz processors is 12 GHz, so where do you get more than what your host system has? You can't allocate more resource than you have physical resource, so no you can't reserve more than 12Ghz processor.

I should be able to reserve up to 24Ghz (8 CPUs @ 3Ghz).

How do you figure? You only have 4 logical processors, of 3GHz each, where are you getting this number?

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Hmm....that makes sense.

I was of the impression that the vCPU didnt get tied to the limit due to the way that VMWare scheduled the CPU time. Thats fine anyway, as 12GHz is a lot of CPU time considering we've moved the guest from a physical server containing 8x900Mhz CPUs to ESX with more CPU resources.

I guess the only way to get more will be to wait for ESX4 to get more than 4 vCPUs.

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