VMware Cloud Community

VMCI Sockets

Hi everyone,

I would like to know if it is possible to access the host from within the guest system for starting a vm or doing configurations? Basically, can I access the commands that I can execute from the console but from the virtual guest? I read about VMCI Sockets and I am not sure, if this API is just for doing the connection to the host or if you actually also have access to the commands to manage other virtual machines on that host.

Or is it possible to manage the other VMs by using vSphere SDK for Perl 4.0 from within the a virtual machine?

What I want to do is having a daemon in a virtual machine (since you cant install any daemon on the host directly) and one the daemon receives a request, he starts another VM or stops it.

Would that also be possible with ESXi?

Thanks a lot for your help!

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2 Replies

Hi Wyssen,

If you want to have a kind of system console in a virtual machine, the answer is NO. Direct communication between the guest and the host to run some actions is not possible.

If you want to have a VM for admin purposes, then yes, you can use the SDK or any other tool that can communicate with the host through the network. You can also use the existing VIMA appliance.



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Welcome to the VMware community forums.

is correct, you would not look into VMCI but use the VMware SDK in order to perform management tasks from within your VM.

It doesn't really matter if it is a VM or another physical host. It's just a machine. As you mention using Perl, you might want to have a look at the vGhetto project. It uses Perl and Tk in a GUI to perform the most common tasks.

See also: http://bit.ly/vGhettoGUI

Hope this helps,

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