VMware Cloud Community

VMWare disconnect WinSCP


I have a problem. I tried to copy virtual machine to my local computer using WinSCP (with ssh). Everything is ok until the Bytes transferred get to 476 MB. So a message box appears, "Host is not communicating for more than 15 seconds. Still waiting... Warning: Aborting this operation will close connection!". I reviewed the WinSCP configuration but I could not to solve the problem. I think the problem is configuration in the server side, in VMWare... but I don't know how to solve. Please help me, I'm new with Vmware, I search in the web but I can't find the solution. Regards

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8 Replies


How are you trying to copy the VM?

Which OS is VM running on?

Where is this VM running on? on ESX Server or .....

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Hi nanair ... the virtual machines are in VMWare ESX Server 3i versión 3.5.0. The virtual Machine that I need to copy is a Debian Server. I connect to VMWare ESX with WinSCP (like putty) using SSH connection. So I can see all files and directories of the Debian Virtual Machine, then you can select the file that you want and drag it to the local machine. I attach two image, in the first one you can see how you can to drag the files of VM to your local machine. In the second image is the Error message... I only can copy files less than 476MB. how I can to solve that? thanks for your help

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Alright, I understood what you are trying to do. But do you have a VMware workstation running on your local computer. If you are copying the files to run the Debian VM on your local computer, there are two options

1. Using V2V Converter by downloading the Converter Plug in or

2. Creating the Debian VM template and then deploying the template on your Wokstation.

Or do you wanna run this VM using VMplayer? Could you please specify the need of copying the VM files?

Also please check the connectivity of your local machine with ESX Server with a ping command.......

ping -t

Also this thread may be useful to you.

Copy VM files

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Here is a useful link:

Also, have you tried to clone VM and detach it and then copy to local machine the cloned one?


Paul Svirin

StarWind Software developer ( http://www.starwindsoftware.com )

--- iSCSI SAN software http://www.starwindsoftware.com
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At first, thanks you for your help. I don't want to run the VM in a VMWare Workstation. I only want to backup this files in my local machine. We bought a Blade Server recently, but we can use this server the next month. So, I installed somes VM in another server (with 60 GB of hard disk). I don't have space in this server to do many VM so....My idea is migrate Virtual Machines to my local machine and then restore to the new physical server (Blade Server) the next month. I think is possible to copy this files to my local machine. Or maybe you know another way... Thanks for all.

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Hi.. I had the same problem. Dont know what caused but i have a workaround for you.

Resolution: Go to Datastore Browser in the Vmware Infrastucture Client, select the file, right-click and select download. Select the location in your PC.

Hope it helps.

Ricardo Correia

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Has this problme been solved?

I see exactly the same with ESXi 4.1.

It is not dependent on the size of the file you transfer but on the time it takes.

The SCP connection seems to break after exactly 90 seconds.

It there any scp timeout set on the ESXi side?


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Goppi - try using a different SCP tool?

Perhaps Veeamm's FastSCP?

One day I will virtualise myself . . .
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