VMware Cloud Community

Veeam FastSCP performance

Does anybody have any experience in copying large files between 2 ESX3 with different datastores? I need to copy a 400GB vmdk-file, but a test shows that a 10GB files takes approx 30 minutes to copy, which again indicates that my job will take 20 hours. Is that correct? Is it likely that the LAN is the bottleneck? Both service-consoles are connected to Gbit NICs.

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3 Replies

The write speed of VMFS is generally the issue, there is a cap on how fast it can write, because VMs are given priority to the IO. The next issue is that most tools grow the file on the VMFS, so that cause SCSI reservation issues and slows down writes. I'm not sure if Veeam fills or grows the file.

Conversely, if this is a one off thing you could always try esxReplicator from Vizioncore. It has a few licenses with the temp key and could get you over the issue by replicating the VM over and then you could just delete the old one when you are done. By my estimation it would still take about 6 - 8 hours, but still quite a bit less. I would love to know how it goes if you try it this way.


PS. I work for Vizioncore Smiley Happy

Thomas H. Bryant III
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I get faster (or as fast) performance than that with ESX hosts with a 100mb connected service console.

Are your SC nics configured properly, i.e. set to Autonegotiate (which is advised for gigabit)?

Is your SC using a bond of multiple pNICs? If so, what load-balancing is vSwitch0 using?

Also, are the physical switches configured correctly?


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I have experience, I hated the 1.1 version, but the 2.0 version is much better.

I actually prefer FTP transfer to any other way to get files to the server. I have experimented with lots of different ways, and I can tell you FTP is by far the fastest.

I don't know if Veeam fills or grows on the VMFS volume, I just know it works. We don't have gigabit, but we do have a solid 10/100 Cisco Network, and sometimes I can burst up to 20mb/s. I can always get sustained 10mb/s, so this tool is definately very good.

You should be able to copy 10GB in about 20 minutes, so 30 minutes isn't that bad. Unfortunately copying files to / from ESX servers is rough. I feel your pain, but there really isn't a better or efficient method than Veeam.

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