VMware Cloud Community

Windows service crashes with "an inidcation that other memory is corrupt"

I have a Windows server 2008 64bit VM running on ESX 3.5.0, 123630 for which an application service crashes sporadically always with the same message below. The vendor is telling us it is an ESX issue and that we need to upgrade to 3.5 update 5 to resolve the issue. I have read the updates provided with update 5 and don't see anything that would indicate that this will solve the problem. Has anyone seen this issue before and/or may know what the cause it...Thanks

R.TargetType ISA 'System.ManagedEntity' RETURN XML RAW
2011-02-24 05:36:34,078 [11] ERROR SolarWinds.InformationService.Core.InformationService - Exception caught in method RunQuery
System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt

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2 Replies
Community Manager
Community Manager

You may have figured this out already, but you've posted in the Fusion forum, and you might want to direct your question to the vSphere forums.

I'd move it, but I only moderate this forum and the beta forums for Fusion and Workstation.



Michael Roy - Product Marketing Engineer: VCF
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Thanks for bringing this my attention I did not realize it was in the Fusion forum. I moved to the vi3.5 forum..

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