VMware Cloud Community

no login to esx server - neither through vi Client nor webAccess

Hi Guys

I have esx server 3.0 installed with default settings with one intel gigabit nic. I can Ping client to server & vice-versa , no firewall at client side, can telnet at port 902 but still can not login through VI Client / WebAccess . any ideas

Thanx in advance

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5 Replies


what error message are you getting? And you are logging in via the ESX server and not Virtual Center? Can you ssh into the ESX host?

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Can you login on the local console?

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If the VI Client is unable to login to the ESX Server then the 'vmware-hostd' process is not running or in a bad state. The other option is that there are two hosts on your network with the same name.

Can you SSH to the ESX Server (using port 22)? Remember you can not login as root using SSH, you must first login as a regular user. If you do not currently have a regular user, go to the system console. Login as root and use 'useradd adminUser' to add the admin user you choose. In addition, give that user a password using 'passwd adminUser' and answer the questions.

Assuming you can ssh to the ESX Server, go to /var/log/vmware, and review the 'hostd.log' for errors. Also, look in the process list for the hostd process using: 'ps axww | grep hostd'. If you want to see any hostd startup errors use: 'server mgmt-vmware restart' and then review the /var/log/vmware/hostd.log file for any errors.

In many case hostd.log fails to configure due to bad or duplicate XML files entries.

Best regards,


Edward L. Haletky
vExpert XIV: 2009-2023,
VMTN Community Moderator
vSphere Upgrade Saga: https://www.astroarch.com/blogs
GitHub Repo: https://github.com/Texiwill
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Did you check you DNS settings. When you ping to the ESX server and vice-versa ping with FQDN to check if DNS is correctly. VI-3 needs DNS. Using only Local hostfiles on client side can create some connection problems (connecting/disconnecting or not connecting at all). When you add the ESX server as a host entry in your DSN most connection related problems are solved.


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Also, check to make sure you have not ran out of disk space?

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