VMware Cloud Community

vmdk paths changing

We've had a weird issue that I cannot explain and thought others may have some comments.

We've had 2 VM guests that appear to have suddenly powered off. Theres nothing in the Events list to say that anything has been done to those machines. They then refuse to power up with File not found or a Locked VMDK error. After a while of looking around, I was able to determine that the disk paths listed in the vmx file seemed to contain some invalid paths to the VMDK files. Fixing this up seemed to fix the issues and the VM started.

I did notice that the person who created these VMs has named a couple of the vmdk files the same, i.e. data.vmdk but in different paths on different datastores. Once of the servers had an issue with data.vmdk which existed twice on the VM guest but on different datastores. Could this have been the issue?

Is there a way for a vmx to suddenly change the paths to the vmdk files? Or the vmdk files to move suddenly?

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2 Replies

I've experienced problems in the past when a name occured twice but it was with an early version of esx 3.0.0 and I think that bug was fixed in 3.0.2. it shouldn't cause damage normally.

this was the problem I had: http://kb.vmware.com/kb/12526845


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All servers on site (8 ESX hosts in 2 clusters) are ESX 3.5 UP3 so i'd assume we're ok there. All storage backs onto an EMC CX320 with shared LUNs. I've never seen anything like it so am just curious if anyone has seen similar issues.

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