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convert .vmdk file to a format suitable for ESXi 3.5


I have a .vmdk file, but can't use it yet as a harddisk in a new virtual machine in ESXi 3.5. I wish to change the format with vmkfstools in RCLI (tha'ts what I should do, I think), but with this I have some difficulty.

I have tried to use RCLI by installing VMware-VIRemoteCLI-3.5.0-104314.exe plus instructions from http://www.vmware.com/support/developer/viperltoolkit/doc/perl_toolkit_makinst_windows.html. I keep getting these errors, despite certain efforts:

"Can't locate VMware/VIRuntime.pm in @INC (@INC contains: C:/perl/site/lib C:/perl/lib.) at c:\Program files\vmware\vmware vi remote cli\bin\vmkfstools.pl line 32.

Begin failed--compilation aborted at c:\program files\vmware\vmware vi remote cli\bin\vmkfstools.pl line 32"

Also I have installed VI Perl SDK (VMware-VIPERL-4.0.0-161974.exe), which made the installation of RCLI as 'standalone' undone, because it implied this tool. Also some errors. Something with "service not available".

After googling, I discovered it might be because SSH should be enabled voor the root account (which I used for above actions). I have found instructions, like http://vm-help.com/esx/esx3i/ESXi_enable_SSH.php. But after pressing alt+f1 and typing 'unsupported' in the direct console for ESXi, nothing happens!

If you have any suggestions, please let me know!!!

Thanks in advance,


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17 Replies
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vmhd? Did you mean .vhd? You'll need to use VMware Converter to do the conversion


William Lam

VMware vExpert 2009

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for naked vhd file Converter will not work - try Starwind Converter


VMX-parameters- VMware-liveCD - VM-Sickbay

Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? - send a message via skype "sanbarrow"
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time ...

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Sorry, I meant .vmdk file!!! I edited the thread.

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The VMware Standalone Converter should work. Have you given that a try?

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If the vmdk is just the raw vmdk with no associated virtual machine information (no VMX file) you will need to use vmkfstools. You can install the rcli tools from the link on http://youresxihost/ If you do have the vmx file you may be able to run converter.

Where did the vmdk come from?

-- David -- VMware Communities Moderator
0 Kudos

You can upload the vmdk to your datastore with the datastore browser. If you use the Unsupported Console

    Log in to your ESXi host at the console.
    Press Alt+F1 to switch to the console window.
    Enter unsupported to start the Tech Support Mode login process. Note that no text will appear on the console window.
    Enter the password for the root user. Tech Support Mode is now active.
    Complete tasks in Tech Support Mode.
    Enter the command clear to clear the screen of any residual data from step 5. This may be required by your local security policies.
    Enter the command exit to exit Tech Support Mode.
    Press Alt+F2 to return the server to DCUI mode.

You can then run vmkfstools against your vmdk

-- David -- VMware Communities Moderator
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Thanks for the reply everyone.

I know about vmkfstools, RCLI and the hidden console. Indeed I can't use the standalone converter, I have tried before, because I only have the vmdk file. I actually don't know where this file comes from, my superior gave it to me to test with it. It contains the Google Chrome OS.

The problem now is: I get errors when connecting to the ESXi server through RCLI on my client and I can't enter the hidden console on the server: nothing happens when I type 'unsupported' en hit enter.

The last problem is most important I think, because when it will be solved, I can enable SSH for the root account, and that probably will solve the first problem. If you don't think so, please advice me.

So, any idea why nothing happens while trying to enter the hidden console?

0 Kudos

Have you enabled SSH on your ESXi host? I believe you must hit enter twice after you type "unsuppoted".

I have a working copy of the Google Crome OS that is working if you want details on how to get it up and running on VM Player. Once you get it running with your VM player you should be able to convert the machine file to one that works with ESXi.

Try to open the file with a VM player or Fusion(Mac) and see if it will let it boot. When choosing operating system for Google OS you must choose Linux Ubuntu.

Hope this helps

0 Kudos

Try restarting the management agents from the Yellow Console. See whether you can get access to the unsupported console. Tech support mode can be disabled. Check to see if that is the case.

Connect VMware Infrastructure Client (VI Client) to an ESXi host or a VirtualCenter Server.
Browse to a host in the inventory list.
Click the Configuration tab.
Click the Advanced Settings link.
Click "VMkernel" in the left-hand side pane.
In the list of parameters, deselect VMkernel.Boot.techSupportMode.
Restart the ESXi host.   

-- David -- VMware Communities Moderator

Thanks all for the tips. I wish to figure out how to use RCLI on my own client, because I think this is very handy for the future too, so first I will try DSTAVERT's advice. Unfortunately today I'm not at the office, so it has to wait till tomorrow. I then will let you know if I get any further or not.

0 Kudos

Thanks, DSTAVERT, I now have enabled SSH.

But unfortunately, using vsphere's included RCLI, I get this error when using vmkfstools again:

Can't locate VMware/VIRuntime.pm in @INC (@INC contains: C:/perl/site/lib C:/perl/lib.) at c:\Program files\vmware\vmware vsphere cli\bin\vmkfstools.pl line 33.

Begin failed--compilation aborted at c:\program files\vmware\vmware vsphere cli\bin\vmkfstools.pl line 33

Very strange, because last time it gave me another error. I must be because I have installed it again.

I will google further about VIruntime, but if you got some ideas/advice I would like to hear them very much!


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If you have support for 64Bit VM's you can install the vMA appliance which includes all the proper modules. It also includes other tools that make it a very nice management platform.

-- David -- VMware Communities Moderator
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No, unfortunately we had to use a dell poweredge 2850, which can't support 64-bit machines.

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If you have LINUX experience set up a small VM and install the rcli tools.

In Windows uninstall the tools and clean out as much left over junk. Make sure the path information is removed from environmental variables. Check with SET at the command prompt and try again. I would install the vSphere 4 tools.

-- David -- VMware Communities Moderator
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want to hear plan B ?

with Workstation use vmware-vdiskmanager and convert existing vmdk into format monolithicFlat - then edit descriptorfile - the one without -flat.vmdk extension like here http://sanbarrow.com/vmdk/monolithicFlat-with-WS-and-ESX.html

then you can upload the vmdk with winscp


VMX-parameters- VMware-liveCD - VM-Sickbay

Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? - send a message via skype "sanbarrow"
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time ...

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Thanks Continuum for this tip, I'll try if I soon can't get any further.

Right now I have banished everything that has to do with RCLI on my pc (including deleting folders on hard disk and environment variables). Than I installed vSphere 4.0.0. Using vmkfstools in the commandprompt it gives the old error:

First a window shows up displaying: The ordinal 3212 could not be located in the dynamic link library LIBEAY32.dll.

Then in the command prompt this message: Error: server version unavailable at 'https://x.x.x.x:443/sdk/vimservice.wsdl'

I think this will be solved if I will install certain packages with perl package manager, but probably afterwards I'll still not succeed in connecting with my server. That was my experience last times. I post this because I might make a wrong step here according to you. Then let me know.


0 Kudos

do you have several conflicting version of LIBEAY32.dll ?

good luck with troubleshooting RCLI - if you are in a hurry use plan B - thats a straight forward procedure and will work


VMX-parameters- VMware-liveCD - VM-Sickbay

Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? - send a message via skype "sanbarrow"
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time ...

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