VMware {code} Community

Help with VIX api and vbscripting

I am trying to automate vmserver using it's installed api - vix.

I am stumbling a little over the correct way to use vbscript with the VIX.

I'm trying to rule out using vmcom because it will not be supported in vmserver 2.0.

Below is a portion of my script. Notice that right now I am having to define the values for some objects states.

I know it is probably because I am not including a set of includes/defines.

Can someone tell me how to go about defining these includes and using vbscript with vix?

thanks for any help



Const vmExecutionState_On = 1

Const vmExecutionState_Off = 2

Const vmExecutionState_Suspended = 3

Const vmPowerOpMode_TrySoft = 1

Set connect_params = CreateObject("VmCOM.VmConnectParams")

' By default, connects to the local server.

' To connect to a remote server, uncomment these lines and set

' the values appropriately.


' connect_params.hostname = "

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