VMware {code} Community

vmrun insufficient permissions

hello everyone

when i try to start a vm using the following command

vmrun -t esx -h https://myserver.com/sdk -u domain\user -p ******* start "[datastore1-mydata] vmname/vmname.vmx"

i get an error  message "Cannot open VM: [datastore1-mydata] vmname/vmname.vmx, Insufficient permissions in the host operating system"

however when i type vmrun -t esx -h https://myserver.com/sdk -u domain\user -p ******* list

i do get a list of all the vms

I have administrator permissions on the said vm and on it's datastore

also, when i try to do the same thing using powercli, it works perfectly, and the VM root user also manages to do this with no problem

i'm guessing it's a permissions thing but what other permissions could i need?


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1 Reply

I had exactly the same issue. And I managed to figure it out. So I did it with a local user.

1. Create a role that is empty. No permissions there.

2. Create one role with the  permissions you need. Don't miss to check in "Virtual Machine/interaction" to check "Guest Operating system management by VIX API"

3.Go and add permissions to the host to the user you want using the empty role and be sure that you check to be propagated. (I'm not sure in english is it exactly with this word. Sorry mine is in french)

4. Go to the VM you want to give an access right to this user and use the second role. Try it and tell me if it works for you. This way my issue was solved. If you still have permissions error you just have to make sure that you gave all the permissions you need. But even if they were correctly chosen it would never work without those steps.

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