VMware Cloud Community

8.16.0: Custom Form (Service Broker): Failed request (Some data cannot be retrieved) (solved)

Today we update onprem vAA from 8.13.1 to latest 8.16.0.  We found a issue by Custom Form (Service Broker). Normal User was not eabel to request Catalog Item with External source (Action from internal Orchestrator). For Sample, the user requst all costcenter for billing (Dropdown).

We have a lot of Teams who are only normal Member, and have limited access to Catalog Items and 2-day Actions. We want to keep it this way.

Following Workaround we found:

- User is Member of Administrator (Build-in)
- User is Member of Administrator (Orchestrator Service Roles)
- User is Member of Custom Roles with permission "Deploy Template"


In the ChangeLog of vAA 8.16.0 has Update Automation Orchestrator access management in VMware Aria Automation, but nothing about access over Custom Forms. 

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We ran into this in the SaaS environment.  We had two issues, both bugs.


First, The project field cannot be sent to an action.  The kb article linked in the first answer should fix that.  In our case, some of those action are called from both custom form and also other vro workflows.  So we just added this up front and then unlinked the project field in the cutom form when calling that action - just set it to constant and left it blank.  

projectId = projectId || System.getContext().getParameter("_projectId");


That issue has been patched in the cloud environment.

Second, we also used the Project field in our custom forms as a means to have a "default" condition in some conditionals.  So our first condition would be based on Project Not Empty.  We had to change that to use a different field in the form, because it broke as well.  Based on screenshot, it seems that might be related since the error doesn't specifically call out the Project field.

They are aware of that issue as well and I imagine it will be patched soon as well.

I'm not sure if other fields might be affected as well, but I believe we only had issues with Project.

Hope that helps.