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Migrating virtual machine to different vCenter and HCX [vRA 8.x]

I am working with a customer who will be performing a vCenter to vCenter migration of virtual machines within the same instance of vRA 8.x. After the virtual machine is migrated to the new vCenter instance I expect the virtual machine to have a new vCenter UUID and and new vSphere object UUID and therefore think that this is a new virtual machine. Other people on the project have mentioned that HCX might have some sort of magical capability that would update vRA 8.x Inventory to indicate that the migrated virtual machine is not new, i.e. it would fix the identifiers. I can't find any documentation on VMware's web site to support the idea HCX would update vRA 8.x for migrated virtual machines.


(Q1) Does HCX have the capability to update vRA 8.x Inventory for migrated virtual machines so that they are not considered 'new'?

(Q2) Assuming that the answer to Q1 is no, is there something that can be done in code to update vRA 8.x Inventory for migrated virtual machines, i.e "PATCH/iaas/api/machines/{id}"?

(Q3) Any other thoughts or ideas on how to update vRA 8.x Inventory? I'm trying to avoid going through an onboarding process.



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Seems like I'm not the only one thinking that HCX should have this capability.



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What did you end up doing for this migration?   I'm investigating a similar thing.

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We have a similar.issue where VMs have been reregistered in vcenter to fix srm issues. They have a different moref so vra sees them as a separate machine. If we deleted the missing deployment and I boarded the discovered machine we lose the custom properties which are needed for automation. VMware have a "fix VMs" workflow which can move this new VM into the existing deployment to keep all the history and properties. I'm just trying to get hold of it currently

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I used HCX cc 5 months ago (latest version at that time) and there was no feature to automatically update info about the VMs post migration. I was told that HCX team was working on that.

I used vRA Bulk onboarding workflow created by vRA team:


it worked fine for me. 

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The project fell through unfortunately, so nothing happened.

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