VMware Cloud Community

Programatic workflow manipulation

Hey Orcehstrator Gurus, I trying to find out how to manipulate Orcehstrator workflow using a programatic API.

Iv taken a look into the developer guide under the web services section & noticed that workflows can only be exectuted & read.

My main use case is to add a generic initial step for all existing work flows (kind of AOP) , the only was that I can think of is to export a package manipulate the files that it contains & reload them back into the Orcestrator (sound too britle to be a long run solution)

BTW im using build 4240

Thanks for providing a great product


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1 Reply

Hi Ronen,

Presently, it isnt possible to modify a workflow programmatically through vCO APIs.

However, it is possible to wrap existing workflows with a “run workflow” workflow (A workflow that does something and then run a workflow passed as a parameter of the “run workflow” ).

It is also possible to have dynamic inputs /outputs by using the Properties object.

Hope this answers your concern.

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