VMware Cloud Community

o11n-plugin-sdk-tools.jar missing from VMware-VCO-Plug-In-SDK-5.1.0-832102.zip

Hi there,

I'm about to migrate our VCO plugin to 5.1 and was really excited to learn that you can now use annotations to generate the vso.xml. Now the docs (vcenter-orchestrator-51-develop-plugins-guide.pdf) state that "The Orchestrator annotations are included inside the o11n-plugin-sdk-tools.jar file,..." however this JAR is not part of the VMware-VCO-Plug-In-SDK-5.1.0-832102.zip or any other JAR/ZIP of the 5.1 SDK.

So the question is, has this feature (annotations) been silently deprecated or is this merely a packaging error?



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3 Replies
VMware Employee
VMware Employee

Hi Igor,

You'll be able to find the o11n-plugin-sdk-tools.jar file inside the o11n-plugin-sdk-plugen.jar. The full path looks like:


The idea is that the library will be automatically available for new plug-ins that are generated with the Plug-in SDK generation tools. But since it can be used also by exisiting plug-ins, like in your case, probably it's a good idea to put that jar in the main lib directory as well to make it more accessible. We'll fix it for the next version. Thank you for the feedback!

I hope it helps.



Hi Sergio,

thanks, that helps a lot indeed. I'm not quite sure what you mean by "The idea is that the library will be automatically available for new plug-ins that are generated with the Plug-in SDK generation tools." -- could you elaborate a bit? I haven't seen anything that would suggest this feature in the eclipse plugin...



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VMware Employee
VMware Employee

Hi Igor,

What I mean is described in the document that you mention (vcenter-orchestrator-51-develop-plugins-guide.pdf) in the chapters "Create a Plug-In Skeleton from an Existing Java Library" and "Create a Plug-In Skeleton from an Inventory Definition". Basically there are a couple of wizards accessible from Eclipse that allow you to generate working vCO plug-in project skeletons whether from a single jar file or from a predefined (XML) inventory. You can give it a try.

I hope it helps.


PS: If you have more feedback about the SDK, we'll be happy to hear about it 🙂

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