VMware Cloud Community

Vcenter is better than Vrops for showing VM disk thruput. Vrops doesnt seem to have the same charts

Hello Folks,

I have not seen anyone who can generate the same type of chart that is in vcenter.  I would think that the charts in vcenter would have an equivalent in Vrops.

I work on a lot of storage performance issues.  Unfortunately, Vmware seems to use ms response time as the primary metric for all storage issues and have throughput MB/s in just a few.

I want to create a chart that shows disk troughput for all of the VMs on a specific host.

In vcenter if you click on a host, you can go to monitor, performance, overview then in the top right where it says view, change it from overview to Virtual machines.

I know at least 2 companies in the top 50 of the fortune 500 who said that they can do that in vrops .. then I watched them for 45min try to do it.   

The chart that I want is the chart in the bottom left of this picture that shows "Disk (Top 10).

If this is a default chart somewhere .. I would very much like to know how to get to it.  (I would think ... the charts in Vcenter should be available in Vrops.... and easily accessible.) 




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2 Replies

This isn't exactly what you're looking for as I am not aware of a way to only show the top 10 in a chart.  Sounds like a good feature request.  However, if you filter in the metric chart for where virtual disk:Aggregrate of all instances|Total Throughput is greater than X KBps based on your threshold for throughput it can show the heavy hitters.  

Object list is set to self provider on, output filter - object types, host systems.

Metric chart, self provider off, Input transformation is children with depth of 1, Output data = object type virtual machine/metric = virtual disk:Aggregrate of all instances|Total Throughput, unit of KBps. Output filter in image.

Create interaction from object list to metric chart.





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Along the same lines as Fred's suggestion, you can instead start with a view. I can get a pretty accurate representation of the vCenter disk (top 10) chart in Aria Ops by using a trend view and adding the Virtual Disk:Aggregate of all Instances|Total Throughput (KBps) virtual machine metric. I then disable all but the "historical data" Data series option. I'm not sure how you can get the top 10 though. It appears you can limit the chart to display only 10 VMs by changing the "maximum plots lines" setting on the "Name & Configuration" page of the view. If you feed a host to this view, you get a very similar chart as what vCenter is providing. Maybe someone can figure out the top 10 part of it using a super metric.

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