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ent 502 waste (possible) calculation error

I was reviewing the vsphere Hosts Planning Views for Waste on Oversized vms and I noticed many incorrect memory values in the configured memory column. What I see is GB instead of MB.

If the Dashboard major badge of Efficiency is derived partially from Reclaimable Waste and that calc is using the Gig instead of Megabyte then the total calc is way off.

I exported the Oversized Virtual Machines Waste report and it shows MB. Which is accurate and also what shows in the Resource Details for Memory Capacity.

Has anyone else seen this?

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2 Replies
VMware Employee
VMware Employee

We are aware of issue with memory units being shown in GB and MB but the values themselves should be correct. Could you share screenshots of vsphere Hosts Planning Views for Waste on Oversized vms for which the no.s look incorrect?



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Hot Shot
Hot Shot

I will be glad to provide the screenshots. Can you open an SR for me or give me a work email as this would contain customer proprietary information.

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