VMware Cloud Community

How to remove a dead Cloud Gateway from Cloud Portal

I had a vCenter get so corrupted that it was much easier to replace it than continue repair or recovery (small environment for some isolated computing - about 100 VM's over 6 hosts).  During the troubleshooting with VMware support with the vCenter, something happened to the Cloud Gateway appliance and it was sitting on a kernel panic screen.  I rebooted it and it immediately went to another kernel panic.
So here I sit with rebuilt vCenter and Cloud Gateways.  I get them registered then before closing the ticket for the Cloud Gateway, I ask how to remove the old one.  They advise that the Cloud Portal will automatically remove the dead instance after 30 days.  Here we are almost 60 days later and it still shows in our portal and is still consuming licenses.  
I've opened another incident just before the US MLK holiday and it was assigned to someone on the left coast - I'm in the midwest living on east coast time and work a slightly early shift.  I can tell it's not going quick getting connected with the agent so....  anyone have any ideas on how to remove a no longer existent Cloud Gateway/vCenter from the cloud portal?

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2 Replies

there are lots of very care full steps to be done. deleting , unregistering and then re-registering. Better to get GSS engaged.  

Thanks & Regards,

Mohammed Viquar Ahmed
0 Kudos

I was assuming there are multiple reasons this isn't documented - complexity and those that would try to work around licensing by popping nodes in and out of the cloud portal (most of us have worked with at least of couple of those people)

I'm now waiting for my 5th agent to engage to try to work this.  The agent I was waiting for when I posted here managed to not fix the problem - we only removed the vCenter from out oAuth list.