VMware Communities

4.1 breaks multi-monitor fullscreen mode especially in Linux

I have 3x Apple Cinema displays on my MacPro.  In previous versions of Fusion, I could move a VM to a desktop and tell Fusion to use all monitors in full screen mode and I would get exactly that - three monitors connected to the VM.  Now when I tell Fusion to use all monitors in Full Screen Mode, and put a VM in full screen, I get mirrored displays - i.e. the same VM desktop on all three monitors - especially in Linux VMs like Ubuntu 10.10 and Centos/Redhat 6.  The VM apparently only sees one 2560x1440 display from Fusion and just repeats the same desktop on all three monitors.  Windows 7 exhibits a slightly different tey bizarre behavior.  If I put a Win7 VM in full screen mode with Fusion set to use all monitors, I get mirrored desktops UNLESS I have the VM in a single window on the right hand monitor and then put it in Full Screen - then I get a proper 3 monitor desktop.  This has just killed my productivity under Fusion.  Does anyone have a solution?

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Solved this problem myself - switched to Parallels 7.  It fixes all my issues with Fusion - multi-monitor, USB etc.  It FULLY supports Lion and multi-monitor.  Don't waste any more time with this Fusion crap.

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