VMware Communities

64-Bit mode Bugs & XP ?

Snow Leopard 10.6.1, IMac Intel duo core

Updraded from Fusion 2.x to Fusion 3.0, build 204229, VMWareTools 8.2.3, build 204229

  • When running Snow Leopard in 32-Bit mode, all seems to work fine but really sluggish (XP on Fusion 2x ran much faster)

  • When running Snow Leopard in 64-bit mode:

    • VMWare boots fine but:

      • Won't boot XP

      • Get VMWare Fusion messages:

        • "Failed to initialize monitor device"

        • "Can't find valid peer process to connect to"

        • "Dev / vmmon - no such file or device exists"

        • "System extension cannot be used: Apple USBEthernet.kext, installed improperly"

        • "System extension cannot be used: vmmon64.kext installed improperly"

I un-installed and re-installed VM Ware Tools (8.2.3 build 204229) but does not help.

I've several earlier problem posts regarding running in 64-bit mode with different story than mine (go figure).

I also read that Fusion 3 has a new routine that uses less memory if XP is newly installed but, won't take advantage of the new approach if inheriting XP from previous Fusion version - I'm thinking of re-installing XP but, that's a good bit of trouble, especially if it won't solve the64-bit problem.

Any recommendations / advice?


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1 Reply

Replying to my own post for others FYI ...

After a good bit of research on the zillions of posts, I found the solution and it WORKed Smiley Happy

The trick is to run the Un-installer that comes with the Fusion package, then, re-install Fusion3. Simply re-installing Fusion doesn't solve the problem - must run the in-install first.

Now running Snow Leopard in 64-bit with Fusion3 and XP - no problems!

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