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Accessing a service from guest to host

Good afternoon everyone,

I'm running into a weird issue that I'm unsure what to do.  There's plenty of information about accessing a service that's running on a guest (e.g. ssh), but not the other way around.

Host: OSX Senoma

Guest: Ubuntu (Server + ARM)

On the host, I have a service that's running on port 7860, and I'd like to access it on the guest.  I'd like to avoid accessing it via a more "public" url.  For example, if my IP address, internal to my network, is, I don't want to access it via  What I'd like to do, instead, is access it over the private host-only network. For example, on my mac I have the. following IP address bound to  In the guest, that IP address is  I'd like to access the service via

I've verified the service I'm running is listening on all hosts (, and I can access the URL via on my mac.  I just can't access that URL via my virtual machine.  I've tried with/out firewall and little snitch on.

I should also add that I have multiple NICs in the VM.  I tried with disabling all but one of them, and that didn't work either.  Ping, though, does work fine.


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I hope that is a typo as that's an illegal IPv4 address. 

My suspicion is that there's something up with your configuration. I just tried an ssh connection between my Ubuntu guest and host, and that has worked fine. So if a firewall isn't blocking the inbound connection, something else is awry. 

Have you tried a traceroute from both the guest to the host and host to the guest?

Is there any logging in your service that would complain of a connection from the guest getting dropped.

Could your service possibly be doing a reverse hostname lookup for the IP address of the guest, and then refusing it if the lookup fails (which it will)?

- Paul (Technogeezer)
Editor of the Unofficial Fusion Companion Guides
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