VMware Communities

Adding a virtual DVD drive after P2V conversion

The physical laptop I converted to a VM using VM Convertor 3.02 did not have a CD/DVD drive, so the resulting VM did not have one either. This results in a VM that I can not install VM Tools on, as apparently the install of VM Tools requires this. Does anyone know a way to either add a virtual DVD to a VM that does not have one. I get a lot of stuff as ISO images, so this will be an issue for me down the road.


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2 Replies

This results in a VM that I can not install VM Tools on, as apparently the install of VM Tools requires this.

Correct. All the Install VMware Tools menu item does is it connects the appropriate iso image. Without an optical drive in the guest, this doesn't work. However, a workaround would be to get the files into the guest some other way, for example over the network.

Does anyone know a way to either add a virtual DVD to a VM that does not have one.

Shut the guest down (you can't make virtual hardware changes while it's running or suspended). Go the the Settings for the virtual machine, then click the plus button in the lower left and select "Add CD/DVD Drive..."

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Dude, you rock! Thank you so much for both an extremely timely answer, as well as the correct solution. Adding the drive worked just fine. Thanks againl

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