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Annoying: Snapshots Window Opens in New Full Screen Window (Yuck!)

I am running OS X 10.11.2 and VMware Fusion 8.1. I run all of my guest virtual machines in full screen mode.

All of a sudden, I noticed a change with Snapshots for full screen guests - instead of overlaying the guest VM with a smaller Snapshots window as it did in the past, now the Snapshots window appears in a full screen of its own.

If "Hide Menu Bar in Full Screen" is enabled for the guest OS, then the menu bar is also disabled for the Snapshots window. That makes it extra hard when you are finished with Snapshots. You must use Command-W to close the Snapshots window.

Am I the only person seeing this? If not, then I would call this a bug.

4 Replies
Community Manager
Community Manager

You are not alone, it's happening.

I'll get a bug filed, thanks so much for the feedback.

Michael Roy - Product Marketing Engineer: VCF
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VMware Employee
VMware Employee

It is not a Fusion change, but a change in Full Screen view of OS X 10.11. When you open another window in Full Screen view, if the window supports full screen mode, it will create a new Full Screen space for the new window.  You can try it using a native application, say, Safari. Launch Safari, switch it to Full Screen view, press Cmd+N to create a new safari window, it will be switched to Full Screen view.

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With respect, I still call this a bug. If the situation is as you describe, then the Snapshots window should not support Full Screen view. In my opinion, it should behave like the Settings window - tied to the associated virtual machine's screen. Otherwise, the user has no clue which virtual machine the snapshots belong to, especially if the "Hide Menu Bar in Full Screen" setting is enabled.

The comparison to Safari is misleading. If you are viewing a Safari window in Mavericks and open up a new window, then the new window gets its own "space", a full screen view. The issue isn't a change in El Capitan, it is a change in the way that the Snapshots window behaves.

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VMware Employee
VMware Employee

Um...I think you are right. The snapshot window can be resized but does not support Full Screen in Yosemite . But there is something different in El Capitan.

The expected behavior should be same as that in Yosemite. The behavior of Settings window is not fit for Snapshot window, which has fixed size.

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