VMware Communities

Boot Camp partition - File Damaged

I just bought Fustion and upgrated to 2.0.

I want to run Boot Camp as a virtual machiean. When I launch Fustion I see the Boot Camp partition listed. But below it says "File damaged". When I run it I get prompted for my password, enter it, and the window says "VMware Fustion is preparing your Boot Camp partition to run as a virtual machine". The progress bar just keep running but nothing ever happens. I've even let it run over night.

I just took the time to resetup Boot Camp and reinstall Windows XP SP3, and it still gets hung up at the same spot.

What else can I do?



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2 Replies

I just took the time to resetup Boot Camp and reinstall Windows XP SP3, and it still gets hung up at the same spot.

What else can I do?

Note: These steps assume you have a Apple Default install of Windows and a Default VMware Fusion Boot Camp partition Virtual Machine and if you have modified the Boot Camp partition Virtual Machine to add additional Hard Drives either Virtual or RAW Disk then do not use these directions unless you backup the Boot Camp partition Virtual Machine Package first.

The above most likely does not apply to you in this situation however it's included for completeness.

1. If Fusion is open then close it.

2. In a Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/Terminal) copy and paste the following command and then press Enter and it will remove the Boot Camp partition Virtual Machine meta data. Note: This does not effect the Boot Camp partition install of Windows. Also be sure you copy the entire command line below from "rm" at the beginning to the " (quote) after the p in Camp. Smiley Happy

rm -dfr "/Users/$/Library/Application Support/VMware Fusion/Virtual Machines/Boot Camp"

3. Start Fusion (/Applications/VMware Fusion.app) and select Boot Camp partition on the Virtual Machine Library window and then click the Run button.

Notes: Next, an Authenticate dialog box appears. "VMware Fusion requires that you type your password." Enter your Name and Password then click OK. (This is necessary to unmount the Boot Camp partition for Fusion to have direct access to it.)

Next, one should see a Boot Camp partition message stating "VMware Fusion is preparing your Boot Camp partition to run as a virtual machine. This may take a few minutes. This will happen once."

When the Boot Camp partition Virtual Machine boots for the first time after this VMware Tools may want to or will install/update and reboot the Boot Camp partition Virtual Machine.


Thank you WoodyZ.

While waiting for a response I think did what you elplained here but in a different way (I used the Finder to delete those files).

It still said file damagd, but when I clicked run it fired right up and works great now.

I'm loving Fusion already.



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