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BootCamp Drive as 2nd IDE Drive?

I am still using Parallels, but would prefer to switch. BootCamp is running Vista. I boot Windows XP from Virtual Drives, and load the Boot Camp drive as Drive D:. This way, I share the data section (Documents) between both experiences without risking OS corruption (frequent in Windows.)

It looks like this is not possible in Fusion Beta 3?

\-- Harald

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2 Replies


I'm also wondering if this is possible. I haven't setup Boot Camp yet but I'd prefer to keep my XP Fusion setup and run Boot Camp with Vista. When using Fusion, it'd be nice to use my Boot Camp partition as drive D. Is this possible with RC1?

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I believe it's possible, though there's no GUI to do it. You can either let Fusion autodetect the Boot Camp partition and use the vmdk, or create a vmdk with vmware-rawdiskCreator. Note that rawdiskCreator is pretty unfinished at this point, so be sure to ask if it's not working for you (also include the output of "diskutil list").

You would then edit the vmx file of your XP virtual machine to reference the raw partition vmdk.

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