VMware Communities

Did you switch to VMware Fusion from Parallels or Virtual PC? Share your story, get a t-shirt, chance at MacBook Air

Hi everyone,

We just launched a video and blogging contest in support of our new "Switch to Fusion" campaign, where we're asking VMware Fusion users who switched from Parallels or Virtual PC to share their story about why they switched to VMware Fusion.

There are two ways to participate: http://www.vmware.com/landing_pages/switchtofusion/video-contest.html

1. Make a video: Make a short, <60 second video on why you switched, and post it up on YouTube. Everyone who makes a video will get a VMware Fusion t-shirt, bumper sticker, and be entered for a chance to win a MacBook Air.

2. Blog about it: If you're not big on a video, you can just blog about your experience. Everyone who blogs will get a "My Mac Loves VMware" bumper sticker, and a chance at an ipod touch. Don't have a blog? That's ok. You can even just do it in our forums (in this thread), if you'd like.

When you're done, just submit it on the contest page. We'll be blogging entries as they come in!

The goal here is for our wonderful users to share their success with the rest of the world and have fun while doing it. We hope you can participate.

Pete Kazanjy

VMware Fusion Product Marketing

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