VMware Communities

Erractic - Problems

Had no problems with 2.x on Snow Leopard until I installed 3.0. Now, lot's of problems!

Snow Leopard 10.6.1/up to date

The problems I'm having are:

  • When running Snow Leopard in 32-bit mode and Fusion:

    • Update message telling me there's a new build available

      • it lists the build of my current version and the one available - but, they are the same (3.0.0 build 204229)

      • If I click the download and intall button, it keeps rebooting

  • When running Snow Leopard in 64-bit mode and Fusion:

    • Same messages/re-booting as above

    • Won't boot XP

    • Get messages:

      • Failed to initialize monitor device

      • Can't find valid peer process to connec to

      • Dev / vmmon - no such file or device exists

I un-installed and re-installed VM Ware Tools (8.2.3 build 204229) but does not help.

Any ideas / recommendations?


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