VMware Communities

Fusion 12.2 on macOS 11.6: Screen resolution stuck at 1024x768 on Retina display

I just upgraded to Fusion 12.2.0 on my 2017 iMac running the latest version of Big Sur.

The client is also macOS 11.6, I set the hardware version to 19 and upgraded the VMWare tools.

Now the virtual machine is stuck at 1024x768.

  • Use full resolution for Retina display is checked
  • Virtual machine resolution is set to "Resize the virtual machine to fit the screen"

Does anybody have the same problem? Is there a fix?



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1 Reply

Yep, I had and resolved.  On a iso macOS install, I had to use one version older for the "VMware Tools", and then the graphics was beautiful.  On guests that I tranferred from other VM-providers, the other VM-provider's tools inhibited "VMware Tools" to install.  Oddly by accident, the solution to the 'transferred' scenario was to export the transferred guest to an OVA, then import the OVA back into Fusion; this step enabled the "VMware Tools" to install.  (I'm guessing it disabled the KEXT of the other VM provider) 

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