VMware Communities

Fusion 13.5.1 figer

Bon matin,

Après la mise à jour VMware Fusion à 13.5.1, VMware essaie de connecter le clavier/souris mais il n'y arrive pas. On entends les connexions/déconnexions Windows 11 Pro ARM des dispositifs USB/Bluetooth mais sans succès. J'ai désactiver la 3D, aucun effet. J'arrive difficilement à entrer mon code d'accès et plus rien, tout gèle.

Merci pour votre aide.

PS le rapport "Collect suppport Information" est un fichier de 352.8 Mo mais seul 146 Mo est dispo en upload 😞

macOS Ventura 13.6.4, VMWare Fusion 13.5.1, Mac Studio, M1 Ultra
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3 Replies


You wrote 

After the VMware Fusion update to 13.5.1, VMware tries to connect the keyboard/mouse but it does not succeed. We hear the Windows 11 Pro ARM connections/disconnections of USB/Bluetooth devices but without success. I disabled 3D, no effect. I can hardly enter my access code and nothing, everything freezes.

Thank you for your help.

PS the "Collect support Information" report is a 352.8 MB file but only 146 MB is available for upload 😞

macOS Ventura 13.6.4, VMWare Fusion 13.5.1, Mac Studio, M1 Ultra

When collecting the support information, did you choose "Quick" or "Full". The Full report tends to be quite lengthy. 

A Quick report should be under the upload limit.

I'm checking on the full report to see if we can pull one of the files out of it that's quite lengthy (which is usually one of the system logs) and then see if both can be posted as separate attachments. 

- Paul (Technogeezer)
Editor of the Unofficial Fusion Companion Guides
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The bulk of a full support collection is the system.log file found in the tmp folder of the zip file. If you unzip that support collection, remove the system.log file and zip that back up, you should be able to post the file. Unfortunately the system.log file is still too big to upload even when zipped itself.

Could you also post the vmware.log file of the virtual machine (found in the VM's bundle file, see https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1007599 if you don't know how to get to the files contained in the VM's bundle).


- Paul (Technogeezer)
Editor of the Unofficial Fusion Companion Guides
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First, thank you @Technogeezer for your answer.

I couldn't wait to have a solution, I rolled back to version 13.5 because I'm using Windows for income tax time.
If you want to see what happened, my log file is included without a system log file.

Maybe later this month I will tried to update again.

Best regards


macOS Ventura 13.6.4, VMWare Fusion 13.5.1, Mac Studio, M1 Ultra
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