VMware Communities

Guest and host OS on separate monitors


I have Windows 10 installed as guest on OSX El Capitan and I have two monitors connected to my computer. I like to run VMware fusion in "fullscreen" mode.

Ideally, I want to have the the following options for my workflow

1. Work on OSX on both monitors

2. Work on Windows on both monitors

3. Work on OSX on one monitor and Windows on the other.

The first two options above work fine. However option 3 does not seem to be possible because whenever I click a windows application (i.e. switch activity to the monitor currently showing the desktop with Fusion/Windows running full screen) my other monitor automatically changes its desktop, so it too shows windows.

Fo example:

1. I flip though my desktops on monitor 1 to get to Fusion/Windows (in fullscreen) where I have an office document open.

2.Then I flip through my desktops on monitor 2 to get to Safari webbrowser.

3. Now I want to copypaste several lines of text from Safari running on OsX to my Office running on Windows.

4. I do the copying from monitor 2, and then try to paste into Office on monitor 1.

In the process, at the point where I click the windows app, monitor 2 automatically flips desktops to the fullscreen Fusion/Windows desktop. So I have to repeat step 2 to get more text.

Is there anyway to prevent Fusion/Windows, to automatically bring itself to front on the non-active monitor ?

Thanks in advance 

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