VMware Communities

How to connect remotely to my VM? RDP? Other?

Looking to for suggestions about what the easiest way would be to connect remotely to my VM.  I set this VM  up on a Mac Mini but still need some PC functions with work.   I have tried setting up the remote desktop connection repeatedly but i'm not having any luck.  The only only time i have successfully gained connection is thru the very Mac Mini that my VM is built on lol.  Not very useful.

I found some really old posts about remote desktop connection but haven't seen anything recently.  I'm wondering if this is still the most efficient way to access my computer when i'm on the road, or if there is a new way (either Mac or PC based) that would be better.

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1 Reply

Getting access to a VM inside a NAT'ed home network is going to be challenging.  While you could, run a VPN in the VM direct to the internet, then remote desktop to that public IP, that's not exactly a safe thing to do (and you'd have to run dydns or something similar to be able to find where it's connected).

Another option would be the reverse - VPN from your mobile computer to something inside your network (that's behind firewalls/secure authentication solutions - business/enterprise quality, not consumer grade).  Then if you use bridged networking for Fusion, your VM will have it's own LAN Ip and you can connect to that.

But...why not just run the VM on your remote machine?


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