VMware Communities

I can't drag/drop to or from guest (Lion) to host (Lion)

I have vmware 5.01 running on 10.7. the guest VM is also Lion 10.7. It all seems to run well, but I can't drag files to or from the VM. The only way to get stuff in/out is through shared folders which is too much work.

I also have some Windows 7 guests that will allow me to drag/drop.

I ran the vmware tools updater on the mac guest, but nothing changed

Should it work?


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VMware Tools in Mac OS X do not provide all the functionality/features like under a Windows Guest.

From: topic Creating an OS X Server Virtual Machine in VMware Fusion

VMware Fusion does not support the following items:

■   drag-and-drop between host Mac and guest Mac
■   multiple displays
■   3D Accelerated graphics
■   Unity Mode