VMware Communities

I'm lost. Windows XP VM read/write Mac OS X NTFS partition (Have MacFuse & NTFS


I have read many threads, manuals, and FAQs. So I am lost now.

I have a MacPro 2xQuad core Xeon processors, 18GB RAM, 1x300GB SATA Drive, and 2x1TB SATA Drives.

I used OS X 10.5.6's Disk Utility to create a FAT partition and another NTFS partition.

Installed are:

- Fusion 2.0.4

- MacFuse 2.0.3

- NTFS-3g 2009.4.4.

I want a Windows XP VM to read/write to both OS X partitions formatted for Windows as local hard disks C: and 😧 instead of using virtual disks. I can use both disks as shared folders mounted in Windows XP as network drives, but both drives cannot have Windows Recyle Bins for trash and some Windows applications restrict themselves to only local hard disks.

This question has most likely been overly discussed, but I couldn't find a definitive answer. Can the Windows XP VM use these two Windows formatted partitions as local hard disks? If no, then I'll just have to use them as "shared folders". If yes, then how do I do it?

BTW - I do not have a BootCamp partition. I was going to create one, but after reading Apple's BootCamp instructions I would have to backup about 600GB on 1TB SATA drive to I don't know where. The second 1TB SATA drive is dedicated to Time Machine.

Thank you,


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