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I want to download and use the personal use VMWARE Fusion Player, but...

Hi all,

I want to download and use the VMWare Fusion Player for personal use.

When I get to the page where it prompts me to register:
I only get to register as a company with employees count, and as an evaluation edition.

I want to register for the Fusion Player personal edition.

Can anybody advise? 

I attached a picture of where I am prompted to register. And one of the options where I am prompted to say what kind of organization I will use it for... 

What about personal use?

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2 Replies

I had to create a second account in order to get to download the Player version.

The terms still state:

f you license the Software for evaluation purposes (an “Evaluation License”), your use of the Software is only permitted for a period of thirty (30) days (unless we specify otherwise), and you may not use the Software with production data. Notwithstanding any other provision in this EULA, an Evaluation License of the Software is provided “AS IS” without indemnification, support or warranty of any kind, express or implied.
Isn't there a free personal use version of the Fusion Player?
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You already have the link to register for the Fusion Personal Use license https://customerconnect.vmware.com/en/evalcenter?p=fusion-player-personal-13 . The registration form you posted does reqiure you to fill in a company name and information, but anything you enter in that area of the form isn’t used. Just fill “None” for the Company name, and make up information tor the other things being asked. It doesn’t matter what these items contain.

Once you fill in that form, you’ll be able to get the personal use license key. You can disregard the terms you have posted because with the personal use license you are not evaluating the software. The Fusion personal use license notes that

Fusion Player offers a Personal Use License, available for free with a valid CustomerConnect account. Home users, Open Source contributors, students, and anyone else can use Fusion Player Free for Non-Commercial activity.

The terms for Non-Commercial activity when using Fusion are found in the current VMware Product Guide https://www.vmware.com/content/dam/digitalmarketing/vmware/en/pdf/product/vmware-product-guide.pdf


- Paul (Technogeezer)
Editor of the Unofficial Fusion Companion Guides
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